anabolic steroids, also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids, drugs that mimics testosterone hormone in males. testosterone in its capacity to boost the development of muscle tissue, as well as its advancement of male secondary sexual characteristics. Anabolic steroids are utilized medically for humans to treat many ailments, such as anemia, hypogonadism and breast cancer malnutrition, short stature, osteoporosis and human immune deficiency (HIV) and wasting syndrome. They are also utilized in the field of veterinary medical treatments (e.g. to help recover from an injury or starvation). A few examples of anabolic steroids include nandrolone, oxandrolone as well as oxymetholone, stanozolol as well as trenbolone Acetate.
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Anabolic steroids affect the androgen receptor which is the biological receptor of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, its metabolite. The stimulation on receptors for the androgen receptor leads to cells growth, which leads to an increase in the size of muscles. This also triggers the virilization–the growth of masculine traits that include an increase in sexual desire and a deeper voice.
Anabolic steroids are frequently used by athletes in order to build up muscle and enhance strength. They are also employed in animals to enhance the mass of their muscles. Additionally, they can be used in horses racing to improve stamina and increase performance. Anabolic steroids is not permitted or strictly controlled in all horse and human sports.
Anabolic steroids are a powerful stimulant, however, may cause severe physical harm on the body. In humans, abuse could result in coronary heart diseases, reproductive and sexual issues, immune deficiencies liver damage, slowed growth, aggressive behavior vulnerability to injury to connective tissue as well as (in females) irreparable male arousal. Similar adverse effects can occur in animals, including livestock. For horses, for instance anabolic steroids may cause liver damage as well as weakening the tendons. This may result in a decrease in testis size and sperm production the stallions, as well as altering the cycle of reproduction in mares. Anabolic steroids are easily detectable by the urine or the blood of.
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sapogenin, any one of an organic class of compounds found in a variety of species of plants, as descendants of the steroid and triterpenoid groups in their glycosides, also known as the saponins (q.v.). Similar steroids, the Genins, can be found in the venom of toadsbut and not glycosides but as free or mixed together with nitrogenous substances.
Methods for converting sapogenin diosgenin, a steroid, into progesterone are being developed. A rich source of diosgenin is the Mexican yellow yam known as cabeza de negro. The progesterone produced from it is utilized in the production of steroids.
The toad venoms can affect the heart and are fatal to frogs and small mammals. Chemically, they’re similar to sapogenins which are derived by digitalis. Skin preparations from toads have been used as a medicine throughout The Orient and were also used to treat the symptoms of dropsy in Europe before the advent of digitalis.
steroid hormone
steroid hormone, any one of a set of hormones that are part of the chemical compound class called steroids. They are produced from the three “steroid glands”–the adrenal cortex the testes, ovaries and the ovaries. They are also released in the course of pregnancy by the placenta. All steroids hormones originate by cholesterol. They are then transported through the bloodstream to cell of the various organs, where they are used to carry out the regulation of a vast variety of biological functions.
The hormones are often classified by the organs that synthesize them. The adrenal steroids are named this way due to the fact that they are released from the adrenal cortex as well as the hormones that are sex are the ones created by the tests and ovaries. This distinction isn’t solely based on the ovaries and testes however, since your adrenal cortex releases testosterone, sex hormones although in a smaller amount than the gonads do, and the ovaries in abnormal conditions can produce adrenal steroids.
The adrenal cortex is responsible for the production of hormones known as adrenocortical, which are glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Cortisol and glucocorticoids are the most important. They control or affect many metabolic processes, such as the creation in amino acids as well as fat acids, as well as the formation of glycogen inside the liver. They also aid in maintaining the normal blood pressure and their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects are beneficial in the treatment of arthritis rheumatoid and in preventing rejection of organs transplanted. Mineralocorticoids like aldosterone assist in maintaining the equilibrium between salts and water in the body, and mainly exert their effects in the kidneys..
It is believed that androgens are male sexual hormones. The most important androgen, testosterone is produced through the testes, and in lesser quantities by the adrenal cortex, and (in women) through the female ovaries. Androgens are the primary hormone responsible for the growth and maintenance of the reproduction as well as stimulation of secondary sexual characteristics of male. They also play an androgenic (synthesizing in a constructive way, not degradative) role in stimulating the production of muscle as well as bone and the production of red blood cells. In order to increase the anabolic properties of androgens and not increase their masculinizing properties, anabolic steroids were created. Although they were initially designed to fight diseases that cause the loss of muscle mass and infertility, they have also been used to treat a variety of other ailments. artificial hormones have also been misused by people who wish to increase their strength, like athletes looking to gain a competitive edge. Dosing too much can cause grave side effects, like the infertility as well as cardiovascular disease.
Estrogens are among the two kinds of female sexual hormones. They are produced primarily through the ovaries but also in lesser quantities from glands like the adrenal glands and (in males) through the testes. Estradiol can be the most potent of estrogens. It functions similarly to androgens. estrogens aid in the development of feminine primary as well as secondary sexual traits; they also promote development of the skeletal system and growth. In various mammals, the hormones are found to induce the development of estrus (heat). The production of ovarian estrogen decreases in menopausal stages..
Progestins of which the most prominent among them is progesterone which is the second kind of female sexual hormone that is named due to their function in sustaining the pregnancy (propro gestation). Progestins and estrogens are released continuously throughout menstrual cycle. In this menstrual cycle the ovarian follicle that has ruptured (the corpus luteum) of the ovary creates progesterone. It makes the uterine lining more receptive to the development of fertilized Ovum. In the event of this happening then the placenta is the primary source for progesterone. Without it, the pregnancy will cease. As the pregnancy progresses, the progesterone levels in the placenta increase and the high doses reduce the ovulation and prevent a subsequent birth. Progesterone’s contraceptive properties resulted in the development of progestins that have been modified structurally and estrogens, the oral contraceptives also known as birth-control pills which are used by women to stop unwanted pregnancies.
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colloid, any compound composed of particles that are larger than molecules or normal molecules but small enough for the naked eye. More broadly any substance, which includes thin films and fibres that have more than one measurement within this broad size range, that covers between 10-7 and 10-3 cm. Colloidal systems can be found as dispersions of a substance within the other–for instance smoke particles in the air or as individual materials like the rubber and those that form the cell membrane of a cell.
Learn about the various forms of this dispersed particles that are dispersed in a dispersing medium Watch all the videos related to this article
Colloids are usually divided into two types of systems: one that is reversible as well as irreversible. In a reversible environment, the product of the chemical or physical chemical process can be stimulated to cooperate in order to recreate the original component. In such a system the colloidal component may possess a large molecular weight or single molecules with size that are colloidal, like polymers, polyelectrolytes and proteins. Alternatively, substances with smaller molecular weights can join with each other to create particles (e.g. micelles, microemulsion dropslets and liposomes) with colloidal dimensions such as detergents, soaps and soaps, as well as some dyes and aqueous mixtures of the lipids. A system that is irreversible is one where the product of a process are that they are not destroyed efficiently from the system that their original components are unable to be recreated. Some examples of irreversible processes are sols (dilute suspensions) as well as pastes (concentrated suspensions), emulsions foams, as well as certain types of gels. The dimensions of the particles in these colloids is depend on the technique of preparation used.
Every colloidal system can be created or destroyed through nature, as well as through technological and industrial processes. The colloids created in living organisms through biological processes are crucial to the survival of the living organism. They are produced using organic substances within the Earth as well as its water and the atmosphere are of equal importance to the health of living organisms.
Learn about the way that the molecular movement in a colloid mix keeps larger particles suspended. Watch all videos related to this article
The study of colloids began in the 19th century’s early years. One of the first significant investigations was the one of British botanist Robert Brown. In the latter half of 1820, Brown realized using the microscope and a microscope, that tiny particles suspended in water are constantly in random motion. This phenomenon, later named brownian motion and was later discovered to be the result of the inconsistent explosion of colloidal particles from the molecules in their surrounding liquid. Francesco Selmi, an Italian scientist, published the first study that was systematic of colloids made from inorganic materials. Selmi proved the fact that salts can coagulate colloidal compounds such as silver chloride and Prussian blue and showed that there was a difference in the power of precipitation. The Scottish chemical chemist Thomas Graham, widely considered to be the pioneer of modern colloidal research, delineated the state of colloids and its distinctive characteristics. In a number of works published in the 1850s, Graham observed that low diffusivity, absence of crystallinity and the absence of chemical relationships that were normal one of the most prominent properties of colloids. He also noted they were the result of the huge size of component particles.
The beginning in the twentieth century saw many important advances in the fields of physics and chemical science as well as a variety of them directly related to colloids. These were advances in understanding how electrical nature of atoms, the notion of molecular size and structure as well as in understanding what makes solutions. Additionally, effective techniques to study the size and shape of colloidal particles were quickly invented, including ultracentrifugal analyses as well as electrophoresis, diffusion and dispersion of light as well as X-rays. In the last few years studies in the fields of biology and industry about colloidal structures has resulted in many details on dyes detergents, polymers, proteins, and other compounds that are essential to our daily lives.
saponin is any of the numerous substances found in plants that create liquid foams that are stable that are dissolved in water, which includes those substances in digitalis as well as squill, which are harmful to the heart as well as a category that is not affecting the heart.
The heart has been affected by saponins. They were utilized as arrows and spears poisons for centuries by African as well as South American natives. Digitalis is a purple foxglove Digitalis purpurea is a plant that was introduced into the heart field in 1785 by Scottish doctor William Withering. The non-cardiac-active saponins are the digitonin that was discovered in the digitalis preparations of 1875. Dioscin is which is the precursor of diosgenin. It is derived from the Mexican yam.
organic compound
Key People: Charles Gerhardt Friedrich Wohler Auguste Laurent Robert Burns Woodward Carl
Wilhelm Scheele
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organic compound is any of the large group of chemical compounds in which the carbon atoms are covalently connected to other elements, including oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Carbon-containing compounds that are not considered organic are carbonides, carbonates as well as the cyanides. Look up Chemical compound.
solution solutions, in the field of chemistry it is a homogenous mix composed of two or more compounds in proportions that can be constantly varied until the point known as”the limit of solubility. The term”solution” is usually used to describe what is known as the fluid condition of matter however solutions made of gasses or solids can be found. For instance, air is a solution composed mostly of nitrogen and oxygen and trace amounts of different gases. Brass is a solution made of zinc and copper.
A short explanation of the solutions is provided. For a complete treatment, refer to liquid solutions and Solubilities.
processes depend on solutions in large measure. Oxygen is released from the lung gets into solution in the blood plasma it combines chemically with hemoglobin within the red blood cells and then is released to body tissues. The end products of digestion also get transported throughout the various organs within the body. The capacity for fluids to dissolve other liquids or solids is a great one with a myriad of practical applications. Chemists make use of the different levels of liquid solubility to purify and separate substances and perform chemical analyses. The majority of reaction reactions take place in the presence of a solution that are affected by solubilities of the agents. Chemical manufacturing equipment’s materials are chosen to resist from the solvent actions of their components.
The liquid contained in the solution is typically named the solvent and the addition of the substance is known as the solute. If both of the components are liquids the distinction is lost and the liquid present in lower concentration will likely be referred to as the solvent. Concentration of any element in a solution could be measured using units like mass or volume, or in moles. These can be mixed–e.g. moles per litre, and moles/kg.
Crystals of a few salts have lattices made comprised of ions–i.e., atoms or groups of atoms that have different charges, both positive and negative. If crystals are to be dissolving, crystal is to be dissolved in a solvent, the attraction of negatively charged ions, which are the primary reason in causing cohesion within the crystal must be overcome with electric charges present in the solvent. These can be generated through the ions in the condensed salt or electric dipoles within the molecules of the solvent. Solvents that are such include liquid ammonia, water, methyl alcohol the liquid ammonia and the hydrogen fluoride. The ions of the solvent that are enclosed by dipolar molecules in the solvent, have been separated from one another and at liberty to move to charged electrodes. The solution could be able to conduct electricity and the solute is referred to as the electrolyte.
It is important to note that the power potential attracted by nonpolar, simple compounds (nonelectrolytes) is extremely small range. It diminishes around 7/7 of their distance. Electrolytes’ power of attraction as well as repulsion charged ions is only reduced to their first powers of separation. Therefore, their solutions exhibit distinctive properties in comparison to those of non-electrolytes.
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It is believed that every gas is miscible (mutually and soluble in all proportions) However, this is only true when pressure is normal. At higher pressures and temperatures, chemically distinct gases might show just a small degree of miscibility. A variety of metallic elements are miscible in liquid form and can sometimes form recognizable chemical compounds. Some are so similar that they make liquid solution (see biomolecule
biomolecule, also referred to as biological molecule, is any of the numerous substances created in cells and living organisms. Biomolecules are a range of sizes and shapes and serve an large variety of tasks. The four primary kinds of biomolecules include carbohydrate, lipids, nucleic acids as well as proteins..
In the biomolecules, nucleic acid include DNA and RNA possess the exclusive purpose of storing an organism’s genetic information–the number of nucleotides which is the basis for how proteins are constructed. amino acid sequence of proteins that are vital to the life of Earth. There are 20 amino acids that may be found in a protein. The sequence in which they appear plays an important role in the determination of the protein’s form and functions. Proteins are the main constituents of cell structure. They also function as transporters for nutrients, moving them and other molecules into cells and out, and also serve as enzymes as well as catalysts for the major chemical processes which occur in living organisms. Proteins are also the source of antibodies and hormones and affect genes activity.
Similar to carbohydrates, comprised mainly of molecules that are composed of elements made of carbon, hydrogen as well as oxygen and oxygen, are vital for energy and structural components of all living things, and they’re the most abundant biomolecules on Earth. They are built from four types of sugar units–monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Lipids, another important biomolecule of living organisms, play various functions such as being an energy source, supplying storage of fuel in addition to acting as chemical mediators. They also create membranes that separate cells from their environment and partition the cell’s internal space and create organelles, like the nucleus as well as the mitochondrion for more advanced (more sophisticated) organisms.
Explore the different kinds of biological macromolecules including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, as well as nucleic acids. Watch all the videos related to this article
All biomolecules have the fundamental connection between function and structure, that is affected by external factors like the surroundings within which a specific biomolecule is found. Lipids, for instance, can be described as and are hydrophobic (“water-fearing”) when they are in water, they can spontaneously form themselves in that the hydrophobic end of the molecules are shielded from water, while those with hydrophilic sides are exposed to water.
This arrangement creates the formation of lipid bilayers, which are two distinct layers composed of the phospholipid molecules, which make up those membranes that cover cells as well as organelles. Another example is DNA is a molecule that is extremely long–in humans, the length of all DNA molecules within a single cell stretched from end to end is approximately 1.8 meters (6 feet) and the nucleus of a cell is around 6 millimetres (6 10-6 meters) in diameter. It has a flexible helical structure, which allows the DNA molecule to be tightly looped and coiled. This feature of the structure is crucial in allowing DNA to be placed inside the nucleus of the cell, in the cell nucleus, where it can perform its role in creating genetic characteristics.
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