Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar has finally wrapped up shooting for her upcoming film, The Archies and celebrated the occasion with a party. The young star cast came together to party in Mumbai on Tuesday including lead actors Khushi Kapoor, Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda. All three of them will be making their Bollywood debut with the film. Suhana and Khushi posed together for the paparazzi along with co-star Yuvraj Menda before joining the team at the venue. Also read: Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda cut cake as they wrap up Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies. See pics
Suhana looked stunning in a red bodycon dress and had her hair tied in a loose bun. Khushi was in a black backless short dress paired with black flats. After they posed together with a friend, Suhana also waved to the paparazzi before going inside. The debutant actor was her candid self and even broke into a laughter while posing for the cameras. Yuvraj Menda was in a black tee and denims paired with black shirt and carried a black handbag as well.
As a paparazzo account on Instagram shared a video from the event, a fan commented, “Kushi reminds me of Deepika Padukone at her first career. Hopefully kushi can be the next Deepika Padukone.” Another said, “Kushi is class.” “Gorgeous Suhana,” wrote a fan of hers. “My God Suhana,” exclaimed yet another fan. A comment also read: “Suhana is so stylish and very fit.”
Khushi Kapoor is the daughter of filmmaker Boney Kapoor and sister of actor Janhvi Kapoor, Suhana Khan is the daughter of Shah Rukh Khan and Agastya Nanda is the son of Shweta Nanda and grandson of Amitabh Bachchan.
Tara Sharma and Delnaaz Irani also star in the film. While Tara was spotted in a white dress, Delnaaz was in a blue one. Mihir Ahuja, Dot and Vedang Raina also a part of the lead cast and were a part of the bash.
The Archies revolves around a bunch of friends from the Anglo-Indian community in India in the fictional town of Riverdale. It is based on the popular comics of the same name and will release on Netflix next year. Zoya Akhtar who is also producing The Archies alongside Reema Kagti under their banner Tiger Baby.
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