Twinkle Khanna recently interviewed Google CEO Sundar Pichai at an event. She shared pictures with him on Instagram and revealed the three things she had learnt from him. She talked to him about the advantages of being brought up in India and how he manages to stay grounded. The two also talked about artificial intelligence. Also read: Twinkle Khanna reveals son Aarav compares her to a Yeti for wearing layers of clothes during London winters
Sharing two pictures of them sharing the stage at Women Will – a Google for India event, Twinkle wrote on Instagram, “Santa got me an amazing early Christmas gift – an interview with @sundarpichai the iconic CEO of @google and here are 3 things I have learned from him. 1. What are the global advantages of being brought up in India. 2. What does he do to stay grounded and keep his inner werewolf at bay 3. What the advent of AI means to the world at large. Look out for an in-depth interview coming up soon with our global Icon. #GoogleForIndia @googleindia.”
While Sundar was in a navy blue suit, Twinkle was in a white shirt and blue pants paired with a blue waistcoat. A day before, Twinkle had shared a video of getting a hair makeover ahead of the event.
Twinkle is an actor-turned-writer, film producer and owns a digital content platform, Tweak India. She is currently pursuing Masters in Fiction Writing at Goldsmiths, University of London.
The Good Glamm Group recently announced the acquisition of 51 percent in Tweak India. Post this acquisition, Tweak India will function under Good Media Co led by Priyanka Gill. Confirming the same, Twinkle said in a statement: “This strategic partnership will give Tweak India a cohesive platform to grow and optimize our strengths. In building a scalable business, one must always be ready to take the next leap and I am positive that the merger with the Good Glamm Group will help me pull off a Produnova with three perfect somersaults and ensure that we all land firmly on our feet.”
Twinkle is married to actor Akshay Kumar. They have two kids together: Aarav, 20 and Nitara, 10. Akshay and Nitara were recently spotted on a movie outing in Mumbai.
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