WhatsApp Calling: The Meta-owned instant messaging application WhatsApp recently introduced new features for better connecting as a group on calls. While WhatsApp is best known for bringing private and secure messaging to users across the world, more and more people are using WhatsApp as a way to connect with voice and video calls.
Three important new features for better connecting as a group on calls:
– 32-person calls: Just like with voice calls, you can now do video calls on your mobile with up to 32 people, four times the number of people than before
– Message or mute call participants: Long pressing on a participant will enlarge the video or audio feed and allow you to either mute or message them separately while keeping the calls going
– Call links: Whether making a last-minute call or planning ahead, you can easily invite people to a group call by sharing a call link
WhatsApp also made design changes for a more seamless calling experience:
– Colorful waveforms: Now you can easily see who is speaking if their camera is off
– In-call banner notifications: See when someone new joins a group call
– Picture in Picture on iOS: Now in beta testing and rolling out in the new year, easily multitask while on a call thanks to a minimized in-call video screen
WhatsApp is also releasing the ‘view once media feature on its platform, the Meta-owned instant messaging application WhatsApp is now reportedly working on bringing the ability to send “view once text” messages to a future update of the app.
The feature is currently available in WhatsApp’s Android beta version, which lets users send messages that can only be viewed once before disappearing, reports WABetaInfo, a website that tracks WhatsApp, wrote on WhatsApp. A padlock-style button with the traditional send message logo may one day be available in the app to access the feature, according to the report.