Now as per latest reports, the social network is working on rolling out a new feature that will allow users to send ‘view once text’ messages to contact, just like the view-only images and videos that are sent on WhatsApp.
This will further safeguard the content that is shared on the platform between contacts.
According to
WABetaInfo, the feature is currently only available in WhatsApp’s Android beta version. The feature lets users send messages that can only be viewed once before disappearing from the platform completely.
A padlock-style button with the traditional send message logo may one day be available in the app to access the feature, the report further added. With this feature, users will not need to delete the crucial information after sending it and wait until the receiver acknowledges reading the message as the feature will be automatically delete the message from the recipient’s phone.
Just like how view once images and videos can not be forwarded and copied, such view once messages will also not get shared around easily.
WhatsApp currently prevents recipients from screenshotting a piece of view once media if they are using the most recent version of its app, but it is unclear whether this protection will be extended to text messages, said the report.
Earlier this month, the messaging platform also rolled out a new disappearing messages shortcut on Android beta.
The new shortcut is placed within the ‘Manage Storage’ section and is marked as a tool to save space. Meanwhile, WhatsApp has started to roll out a new feature which gives users the ability to search groups by entering a contact name on the Desktop version. The feature appeared to some users after installing the latest WhatsApp Desktop update.