Apple is planning on bringing OLED displays to its bigger devices after adding it first to iPhone X and Apple Watch. According to display industry consultant Ross Young, who in the past has shared several correct information regarding Apple devices, Apple plans to introduce OLED versions of new 13-inch MacBook Air, 11-inch iPad Pro, and 12.9-inch iPad Pro in 2024.
Young in a tweet to his Super Follower subscribers writes, “Apple will introduce a 13.3″ OLED MacBook Air in 2024 along with its 11″ and 12.9″ OLED iPad Pro’s.” He states that MacBook Air and iPad Pro models from 2024 will be the first of Apple’s large devices to come with OLED displays.
This isn’t the first time Young has talked about the making of MacBook Air and iPad Pro with OLED display. He first hinted at the arrival of OLED display on iPad Pro in June this year and then later in October. Only this time his tweet talks about the display sizes. It includes the 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pros and the 13-inch MacBook Air.
The current 11-inch iPad Pro and the MacBook Air use LCD displays while the 12.9-inch iPad Pro models come with min-LED display technology.
Young has previously also reported that all three devices will adopt a “two-stack tandem” structure. He says that this will help increase brightness, improve the durability of the display, and reduce power consumption by around 30 per cent compared to the normal OLED panels.
Past reports also have it that Samsung could be the supplier of these OLED panels. Samsung, which is the major supplier of OLED panels to Apple for its iPhone 14, is reportedly planning to set up a new OLED display production line in South Korea to produce large OLED panels for notebooks and tablets. The South Korean giant will most likely supply these large display panels to Apple for its 2024 MacBook and iPad Pros.
OLED panels offer high-quality displays. They feature self-emitting pixels and do not require backlighting, hence, the power efficiency. They offer improved contrast ratio and colour performance. Apple’s switch to OLED is foreseeable considering the company is already using this technology in its latest iPhone and Watch series.
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