WhatsApp now brings the Message Yourself feature to the desktop app on Windows PCs. All details here.
WhatsApp had introduced a brand new feature that allowed people to text themselves. While it sounded like a feature tailored for introverts, its existence is actually there for people who use WhatsApp to keep their notes, reminders, and even save special texts. The feature is already rolling out to users on Android and iOS devices, but those who rely on the WhatsApp app on Windows PCs and WhatsApp Web were left disappointed. WhatsApp heard them.
Based on a new report from WABetaInfo, it is said that WhatsApp is coming with the Message Yourself feature for users on the WhatsApp app for Windows devices. WhatsApp is currently hosting the feature for beta users only but going ahead, it will be released for stable users. The update will be available via the Microsoft Store for users to download when it goes live.
WhatsApp Message Yourself on Windows
With the update installed, users will now see a dedicated chat window that carries their username, followed by (You). Then one can just open the chat window and jot down their notes, shopping lists, bookmarks, reminders, links, images, videos, and lots more.
Note that the feature works just like any other WhatsApp feature with Linked Devices. The moment you send a message to yourself, it will be sent to all your devices registered to your account; just like a message. And for those concerned with the security, know that messages are safely stored, thanks to the end-to-end encryption.
Prior to this, WhatsApp announced the arrival of Avatars, allowing users to create their own animoji-like characters and then generate sticker packs. Avatars will allow users on WhatsApp to customise various aspects such as clothes, facial hair, hairstyles, skin tones, facial features, and more. The feature will be available universally on Android, iOS and WhatsApp Web, and will reach devices soon. The feature has been borrowed from Facebook and Instagram.