Strep A infection that has sparked warnings from health authorities in the United Kingdom after at least nine children died from it.
Following covid, the spread of one or more infections continues around the world. Recently, There is one more illness that has emerged from countries such as US and Britain due to which nine children have died already and the majority are below ten years. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has urged parents to be concerned about their children’s health, although the infection is mild, but children can become seriously ill. So, let us know everything about Strep A infection, its signs, symptoms and treatment.
What is Strep A Infection?
Strep A is a bacterium found in the throat and on the skin. It usually causes mild fever and throat infection. Many people catch this infection without symptoms, but it frequently causes high fevers or throat infections known as strep throat. Infection can spread when people cough or sneeze droplets which contain the bacteria and via skin-to-skin contact. Therefore, the best way to avoid disease is to maintain good hygiene.
Signs And Symptoms of Strep A Infection
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms of infection include pain when swallowing, fever, skin rashes, and swollen tonsils and glands. According to the UKHSA, parents of young children should be on the lookout for the following signs and symptoms:
- Skin Rashes
- Less Appetite
- Running Nose
- Continuous Dehydration
- Tired or Irritated
- Excessive sweating
- Fever
- Swollen tonsils and glands
Treatment of Strep A Infection
Since, there is no vaccine to treat this illness. Hence, There are a range of antibiotics which can effectively treat strep A – doctors will decide on which is best depending on the location of the infection and its severity. When the infection is serious, hospitalization will often be required for treatment. Also, there are few essential steps to pay attention to avoid this infection.
It is critical to pay attention to cleanliness as well as the increasing number of cases.
Also, protect children by wearing masks and taking them to the doctor as soon as symptoms appear.