BJP MP Ravi Kishan on Friday blamed Congress for his four kids and said he would have stopped had there been a population control law by the Congress at that time. Speaking at a media conclave of Aaj Tak, Ravi Kishan said he was all set to table the population control bill at Parliament, soon after the conclave. But what about his four kids? “Had the Congress government brought the bill earlier, I would have stopped…,” the Lok Sabha MP said amid a round of applause.
“It is true that I have four children. So I know the struggle of raising them. I tasted success after a lot of struggle. Initially, we were asked to choose either work or money. And I used to choose work always because I knew money would follow,” Ravi Kishan said.
“My wife was tall and slim and after the first and second delivery, I saw her health deteriorating. I was struggling at that time and used to remain always busy with shooting. Bachhe paida hote gaye. Had no clarity at that time. But now that I have achieved success and wealth when I look at my wife, I feel sorry,” Ravi Kishan said.
“But now people will say that he himself fathered four children and now coming with the bill,” the journalist said. “Arey bhai, ye bill Congress pehle laati toh hum ruk jate,” Ravi Kishan said.
BJP MP Manoj Tiwari who is set to welcome his second child was present at the stage.
Congress leader Supriya Shrinate took the jibe in stride and tweeted, “Bachhe paida hote gaye and you did not event know! At least you became the father of three daughters and one son by the grace of Congress.” The Congress leader also called out Ravi Kishan for body-shaming his wife.
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