Aamir Khan and ex-wife Kiran Rao performed a puja as per Hindu rituals at the office of Aamir Khan Productions recently. Aamir performed the main puja and was joined by Kiran as they performed the aarti together. Laal Singh Chaddha director Advait Chandan has shared the pictures on his Instagram handle, along with several pictures of other staff members who also took part in the puja. Also read: Aamir Khan in full grey look attends Salaam Venky screening. Watch
Aamir was in a sweatshirt and denims and wore a Nehru cap and a cloth around his shoulders as he set up a kalash (pot) as part of a ritual during the puja. His office is seen decorated with colourful balloons though the purpose for the puja is not known.
His niece and actor Zayn Marie reacted to Advait’s post, “These photos are so lovely, Advait. Actor Nitanshi Goel also wrote, “Love these pics. Thanks for sharing with us.” A fan commented, “Ekbar to dang rh gaye ki ye sach Amir Khan hai .. aise movements really heart touching hote hai (I was astonished that it was Aamir Khan in real…such moments are heart touching).”
Advait also shared a bunch of pictures of Aamir and Kiran as they stood beside each other to perform the aarti one by one. They are seen holding the puja thali and joining their hands in prayer. Kiran Rao is also seen in a long denim shirt and leggings.
A fan reacted to their pictures together, “Wow I am so very very happy sooooooooo cute superb Aamir Khan Ji Kiran Rao Ji pooja karte hue bhuth he bhuht pyaare lag rahe so amazing (you both looking lovely).” Another commented, “Will always love both #Aamir and #Kiran.”
Aamir and Kiran ended their 15-year-long marriage last year. They continue to co-parent their son Azad Rao Khan, 11. They are also seen together at film parties, airports or on other occasions.
Aamir’s much-anticipated film Laal Singh Chaddha received positive to mixed reviews but couldn’t fulfil the expectations at the box office. The actor has now taken time off films and said that he would return back to work a year later.
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