Weekly horoscope from May 28 to June 3: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them


By Mita Bhan: Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Suddenly, life speeds up. And you may find yourself rushing from one meeting to the next. Sorting out your finances and paperwork. And doing multiple chores at one go. A good phase begins if you’re self-employed, your efforts slowly pay off. Two or more streams of income open up for you. Or you may receive two job offers. Domestic life takes a back seat as you find yourself too preoccupied with work to socialise. Relationships could feel a little mundane, but that’s okay, you’ll soon be back together with a bang. Health matters show slow but steady improvement. And you’re beginning to feel optimistic again!

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Long-term plans get crystallised. Either you commit yourself to a project that could take you places. Or you decide to say yes to the marriage proposal. Whichever way you look at it, good things are coming your way. Taureans who are Architects, Interior Designers, Product designers or in research may find themselves advancing steadily towards their goals. Money matters look bright but now is not the time to spend recklessly at all. Plan well and your future is secure. Just take out time from your busy schedule for exercise, especially if you’ve been slacking lately. An old friend from faraway connects with some good news.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

One of your dreams or goals has the potential to come true. Don’t waste time dreaming, and start working towards what you want. The Universe showers you with blessings and praise. And you could find yourself being considered for a promotion or an elevation in the following months. One tip: listen and watch carefully to those who are truly on your side and those who aren’t clapping for your achievements. A hidden rival may reveal themselves without realising it. Just focus on who you are and how far you’ve come. A relationship that showed initial promise fizzles out and a new person catches your fancy.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Don’t get so lost in your thoughts. Pull back a little, branch out and network with others. Time to take a reality check and see things for what they are and not what you’d like them to be. The situation at the workplace is not improving. A difficult loved one is not going to realise what they’ve done. Either you accept or let go. Getting out of your comfort zone brings some wonderful experiences your way, especially if you’ve got into a rut. Any new form of exercise or diet brings results. A good week to plan your finances, especially if you’re looking at making a big purchase or launching your own start-up.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Support and encouragement comes from unexpected quarters. People closest to you may not cheer you on, but a stranger might turn out to be your biggest fan. If you’ve been worrying about the path you’re on, the cards assure you that you are on the right track. Teamwork helps get things completed and though there may be some challenging moments with an arrogant co worker or client, things should work out well. On the home front, time to practice a little

tolerance and patience. Someone needs you to be a little more sensitive and less critical. A holiday or news of a family event raises the spirits.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Slow down and read the signs. People may not be direct in their communication with you. Or you may find yourself having to read between the lines. A mystery needs to be solved. Or you may need to trust your own intuition about a situation that’s playing out. Double checking documents and any form of written communication could spare you work and valuable time. A moody man may keep you guessing for a while. Try not to stress too much about the change in his behaviour. It’s got nothing to do with you. Money that was owed to you shows promise of being returned.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Upgrade your skills. Learn a new hobby. Sign up for the course you’ve been wondering about. Your mind is sharp and eager to absorb any new information like a sponge. And any form of study will be rewarding in the long run. Partnerships show promise, be it in business or in your love life. Exchanging ideas and information while giving each other respect allows trust to grow along with the possibility of a long-term association. An engagement or marriage may be announced in this phase. Watch out for overspending or overeating.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

Half of the stress that surrounds you is coming from the way you react to it. Time to alter your response and strive to stay calm regardless of who or what provokes you. A busy week ahead as you try to solve a recurring problem or defuse a crisis at work. New opportunities may open up, be it in the form of business or a job interview, and you could find yourself weighing the pros and cons of each. If it gets too confusing, seek guidance from a neutral party who can give you an objective viewpoint. Family matters get stressful as you find yourself agitated with someone who’s your exact opposite. Remember to stay calm.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

Establish boundaries and say no if you have to. Someone may be inconsiderate of your time. Or asking for more than you can give at the moment. It’s not being selfish, it’s being mindful of your own needs first. Work matters could find you going back and forth with no conclusion or someone takes way too long to make up their minds. If it gets too much, step away and do something else in the meantime. A short break may be just what your soul needs to rejuvenate. Any form of self-care will bring you peace, so go for that massage or just switch off the phone and detox yourself.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan19)

People may annoy you with their petty demands. Or someone behaves dishonestly. Keep your accounts in check, and keep an eye on your valuables. Temporary money troubles can get sorted out with a cool mind. At work, you may feel shortchanged or begin to feel that you’re giving far more energy to your job than is required. Is it time for change? Step back and figure out where your priorities are and trust you will come up with a solution for long-term success. Bickering at home with an equally strong-headed person could lead to unnecessary tension. Forgive, forget and remember this too shall pass.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Something you’ve wanted doesn’t seem so great when you get it. A person reveals their true colours. Or you hear some unpleasant news about someone you looked up to. Be alert for potential problems regarding a project. A good week to get grounded and stay as practical as far as possible. You may be looking at decluttering your workspace or your home. Or even considering a total detachment from certain relationships that have always disappointed you or hurt you. In matters of the heart, you may demand total honesty or nothing at all. Stand your ground. Ask for what you want. Stay true to yourself.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

A time of revelations and discoveries begins. You unlock a secret. Or discover a hidden passion within yourself. Rediscovering an old hobby or even an old friend you’ve lost touch brings you back in touch with yourself, especially if you’ve been feeling a little off track lately. Energy levels may fluctuate, so make sure you stay hydrated and rested. A week to take it easy. You need to recharge your batteries before the next big phase begins in your life soon. Plans of relocating may crystallise but first get your energy levels working at their best.

(Mita Bhan is a Tarot Reader and Holistic Healer)

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