New Parliament Building Inauguration: PM Modi to be present in new building from 7:15 AM onwards


May 27, 2023 / 09:15 AM IST

China Select Committee of the US House recommends making India part of NATO Plus

Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States, a powerful Congressional Committee has recommended strengthening NATO Plus by including India.

NATO Plus, currently NATO Plus 5, is a security arrangement that brings together NATO and five aligned nations – Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Korea – to boost global defense cooperation. Bringing India on board would facilitate seamless intelligence sharing between these countries and India would access the latest military technology without much of a time lag.

Indian-American Ramesh Kapoor, who has been working on this proposal for the past six years, said this is a significant development. He hoped that the recommendation would find a place in the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 and finally end up becoming a law of the land.

(From PTI)

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