​Fatty liver leads to steatohepatitis, a life threatening condition​

Fatty liver or the fatty build up in the liver does not show any symptoms and most probably this is why many do not pay attention to it.

However, untreated fatty liver can cause inflammation of the liver which is medically termed as steatohepatitis. This is when the fatty deposits of the liver start troubling the body.

What happens in steatohepatitis?

Steatohepatitis or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis damages the liver. It leads to inflammation and scarring of the liver.

Presence of other risk factors like old age and diabetes may worsen the condition and help it to reach a terminal condition.

Hence it is essential to identify the habits or the factors that favour fatty deposit in the liver.



Being overweight is seen as the main culprit behind fatty deposition in the liver.

Body mass index should always be monitored. Health experts say a BMI of more than 25 increases the risk of developing fatty liver.


Diabetes increases the risk of fatty liver. At least half of people living with type 2 diabetes have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, MayoClinic says.

Fatty liver disease may even play a role in type 2 diabetes. If you have both conditions and your type 2 diabetes isn’t managed well, it can make fatty liver disease worse, it adds.

​High triglycerides level​

High triglycerides level is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Some health reports also say that a high triglyceride can be a hint that you already have fatty liver disease.

Triglyceride level more than 150 mg/dL is considered to be high.

Bad eating habit

Unclean diet is another reason why fats get deposited in the liver. Eating late, skipping meals, not having an ideal gap between two meals can put tremendous pressure on the liver and increase the risk for fatty liver.

Opt for healthy and nutritious foods always.

​Sleep apnea​

Surprisingly sleep apnea can also cause fatty liver.

As per a study, obstructive sleep apnea can induce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease through increasing insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and inflammation.


​How to modify them?​

It is crucial to modify these factors so that fatty liver condition does not progress to an advanced stage.

While weight and eating pattern is a lifestyle problem and should be checked by adding healthy and nutritious foods to the diet. One should avoid consuming foods from outside. Healthy home cooked food with good oil, whole grains and seasonal vegetables should be consumed.

For other risk factors like diabetes and cholesterol level, take medical help. Consult a doctor and take medications if required.

Fatty liver disease does not show any symptoms and this makes it easier for it to grow in the body.

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