Painful periods are also known as dysmenorrhea

Periods can be extremely painful for many. The bone breaking pain and the weakness that accompanies it are hard to put in words. Several home remedies have been passed on by moms and grandmoms to ease the pain.

Recently, nutritionist Somya Gupta shared a tip for smooth and pain free periods. The nutritionist claims this to be “the most successful tip” for painless periods.

The remedy is…

The remedy is pretty simple.

The Instagram post of the nutritionist says: Start the day with soaked raisins and kesar strand, especially 10 days before periods.

If you are unable to predict the period date, then start it when you begin to crave, get migraines, feel bloated or irritated.

Have you tried it yet?

Lesser known facts about uterus every woman should know

How bad can period pain get?

Extremely severe period pain sometimes is accompanied by fever, vomiting, nausea, and lightheadedness.

This weakens the woman for the initial days from the onset of the periods. This pain radiates from the abdominal region to the back and the thighs.

While at times there will be intense pain throughout the day and some other times it will frequent episodes of severe pain.

Sometimes it is also accompanied by unusual vaginal bleeding, and vaginal discharge.

Read the Instagram post here

“I can vouch for this…”

The post, shared 20 hours ago, has received good responses from the Instagram users.

“I can vouch for this my daughter used to get period pain but from the time she started drinking this water it is like magic . She tells me also God knows what you give me i don’t get pain , atleast when i used to get pain i was aware that i m nearing my periods,” writes a mother.

“This is the only and the best way to get rid of the period pain. I’ve been taking this since 2020 when Rujuta Mam introduced this to us and trust me I’ve never felt the cramps or any uneasiness,” writes an Instagram user.

“This didn’t help me”

Women had negative reviews on this method as well.

“This did not help me rather I had more painful and heavy flow. Any particular reason it did not work?,” says an Instagram user.

“Whenever I soak raisins, because they are calming or cold in nature as they say, my periods get delayed instead of coming on time. Should I still soak raisins?,” writes another.

Women who are allergic to raisins have also asked about the alternatives.

Risk of dymenorrhea

Among the several factors that increase the risk of dysmenorrhea among women, the most common one seen recently is high consumption of sugars, salty snacks, desserts, tea, coffee, fruit juices and processed fats.

Raisins are a wonder food. It is extremely beneficial to relieve constipation, bloating and mood swings.

These are rich in fibre and are natural laxatives.

It is known to prevent anemia as it is rich in iron, copper and vitamins.