Early symptoms of dementia

Dementia is not a disease, rather it is a combination of symptoms that arise from the damage caused to the brain by different diseases such as Alzheimer’s, explains the UK National Health Services (NHS). The condition can affect people differently and symptoms may vary from one person to another.

While age, family history of dementia and down syndrome can be the top risk factors for dementia, your lifestyle, the food you eat, the amount of physical activity you do, smoking, alcohol consumption and a head trauma can also increase your chances of the condition.

Although some people may not showcase any symptoms in the early stages of dementia, there are common red flags you can note.

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When daily tasks and activities become challenging to perform

According to the Alzheimer Society, people who are unable to perform daily tasks, find it difficult to go about their daily routine, must get themselves examined for dementia.

The charity says, “A person living with dementia may have trouble completing tasks that have been familiar to them all their lives, such as preparing a meal or playing a game.”

“Finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change when shopping” can be a common early symptom of dementia, shares the NHS.

Language and speech problems

Other than facing difficulty in carrying out familiar daily tasks, struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word can also be a tell-tale sign of dementia, notes NHS.

You may find difficulty in remembering words or may replace it with words that are hard to comprehend.

Confusion regarding time and place

Being confused about time and place is another common early symptom of dementia.

According to the Alzheimer Society, “People living with dementia can become lost on their own street, not knowing how they got there or how to get home.”

Difficulty reasoning, problem-solving or making clear judgments

As per the Mayo Clinic, dementia may lead to cognitive changes including memory loss, difficulty communicating, handling complex tasks and planning or organizing.

However, dementia can also impair a person’s sense of reasoning. They may lack problem-solving abilities and also struggle with making clear judgements.

Can you reduce the risk of dementia?

The NHS says that there’s no certain way to prevent all types of dementia, as researchers are still investigating how the condition develops.

However, with proper lifestyle changes, one can reduce the risk of the condition. These include:

– Eating a healthy, balanced diet

– Maintaining a healthy weight

– Exercising regularly

– Limiting alcohol consumption

– Quitting smoking

– Maintaining a health blood pressure level