
    How to keep gums healthy? Follow these 7 tips

    If you frequently experience oral issues and wonder how to keep your gums healthy, here are some expert-recommended tips for you.

    “The greatest buildings are one’s with the strongest foundation.” Similarly, the healthiest teeth are the ones with the healthiest gums. The tissue of the upper and lower jaws that surrounds the teeth’s base and enables the tooth to affix to the bone, is known as the gums. They are also known as gingiva. The health of your gums determines the health of your teeth. Despite being so essential, gums are sometimes overlooked in your oral hygiene routine. So, if you’re wondering how to keep your gums healthy, you’re at the right place.

    Here are 7 ways to take care of your gums:

    1. Brush your teeth

    This is the number one step you can take to care for your oral health and gums. Use a soft or medium bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, be sure to brush in the morning and evening every day. Set a timer for two minutes or listen to a short song to keep time. Keep these tips in mind while brushing your teeth:

    • Don’t “scrub” your teeth hard. Just hold the brush like a pencil and brush in light circles and vertical strokes which will prevent and stop gum recession. Focus on the gums as well. Your gums are delicate tissue that acts like a barrier against bacteria.
    • Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle, just along the edge of the gum line.
    • Don’t forget to brush your tongue and your mouth’s roof.
    • Replace your brush every two to three months or when the bristles become worn.

    2. Floss once a day

    Flossing is still the most effective way to remove food and plaque from between your teeth that may have been missed while brushing. These leftover foods and plaque can irritate your gums if not removed so make sure you floss at least once a day. This can also make your teeth look shiner and brighter.

    Oral health can be maintained with flossing. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

    3. Snack on gum-friendly foods

    Sugary foods, gum, and sodas all encourage the development of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which can cause gum disease. Crackers, potato chips, and dried fruit can all stick to your teeth, and if the residue is not removed right away, it could harm your oral health. These particles might linger on teeth for hours because the majority of individuals don’t wash their teeth after eating. So instead of them consume these gum-friendly foods:

    • Dairy products and other calcium-rich foods are wonderful for your teeth.
    • Fresh fruit, hummus, and vegetables all make for healthful oral options.
    • If you do consume something sweet, make sure to rinse your mouth out with water afterwards. If you ate sweet meals or drank carbonated beverages, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

    4. Stay hydrated

    Saliva is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth and balanced bacterial growth. How? Well, food particles are moved through the mouth by saliva, which keeps them from getting stuck between the teeth. Doing this can reduce the possibility of bacteria in your mouth growing on food particles lodged there. Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily to maintain the ideal amount of saliva in your mouth, especially when you’re thirsty or your mouth seems dry.

    Drink more water. Image courtesy: Freepik

    5. Know if you are at a risk of gum disease

    There are several risk factors for gum disease that are out of your control. If you have any of the following factors, be sure to talk to your dentist about ways to prevent gum disease:

    • Diabetes
    • Family history of gum disease
    • Hormonal changes in women and girls
    • Medications that lead to dry mouth
    • Immune-affecting diseases like cancer or AIDS
    • Poor oral hygiene habits

    Also read: Say bye to yellow teeth with these 5 home remedies for sparkling white teeth

    6. Avoid smoking

    You should refrain from smoking because gum disease and poor dental health are both correlated with it. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), smoking reportedly compromises your immune system and makes it more challenging to fight gum infection.

    Smoking is a no-no. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

    7. Get a professional cleaning twice a year

    Tooth loss can result from gum disease. However, the majority of people can avoid developing gum disease by practising good oral hygiene. Yes, gum disease can be prevented and treated with basic at-home oral care. Apart from it, regular dental visits are also important. Your dentist can clean the plaque from your teeth which can help in preventing gum disease




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