Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President’s address in the Lok Sabha, was today seen in parliament in a sky-blue bandhgala jacket, giving a message about sustainability.
The jacket, presented to him by Indian Oil Corporation during India Energy Week in Bengaluru on Monday, is made out of recycled PET bottles.
The ongoing India Energy Week (6-8 February) aims to showcase India’s rising prowess as an energy transition powerhouse.
Under the ‘Unbottled’ initiative of Indian Oil, the Prime Minister on Monday had launched the uniforms made from recycled plastic at the India Energy Week.
He said initiatives of recycling plastic bottles into uniforms will strengthen Mission LiFE.
Indian Oil has adopted uniforms for retail customer attendants and LPG delivery personnel made from recycled polyester (rPET) and cotton.
Each set of uniforms of Indian Oil’s customer attendant shall support recycling of around 28 used PET bottles.
Recently the government launched National Green Hydrogen Mission with an outlay of Rs 19,700 crore, which will facilitate transition of economy to low carbon intensity, reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports and make the country adopt technology and market leadership in this sector.
In the Budget, Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman provided an outlay of Rs 35,000 crore to achieve energy transition and net zero objectives and listed green growth among seven priorities of the government.
Notably, India banned several single-use plastics starting July 2022.
Single-use plastics are typically items that are discarded after being used only once and do not go through the recycling process.