Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath recently opened up about the controversy around Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s song Besharam Rang. Many objected to the song from their film Pathaan for allegedly hurting their religious sentiments. Reacting to it, the CM pointed out that a film director, while making a film, should keep in mind about scenes which could give rise to controversy. Also read: Anupam Kher talks about success of Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, boycott trends
Pathaan was mired in controversy after the release of the song Besharam Rang. It received criticism from many due to Deepika’s outfits, including her saffron bikini as it featured Shah Rukh and Deepika romancing in Spain. This led to many protests from parts of the country along with a boycott trend on social media.
When asked about the controversy, CM Yogi told News18, “The film director should also take into consideration while making a film that it should not have scenes which could give rise to controversy or hurt public sentiments.” “Any artist, literator or anyone with accomplishments should be respected. Uttar Pradesh has also made a policy for films and many films are being made in the state,” he also added.
Several BJP leaders, such as Ram Kadam and Narottam Mishra were seen against the release of Pathaan. Added to this, right-wing groups were also seen issuing a warning against the film screening in cities. Later, PM Narendra Modi issued a warning to party workers as well to avoid ‘unnecessary comments’ on films.
On the release day, many morning shows of the film were even cancelled in Indore theatres, due to protests by local political organisations. However, Pathaan registered massive success at the box office against all odds. It earned ₹429.9 crore at the domestic box office since its release on January 25. The film has grossed ₹832.20 crore worldwide so far as per the producers, Yash Raj Films.
Talking about hurting sentiments, earlier Shah Rukh had said during a press meet, “Sabka maksad ek hi hota hai (Everyone has one motive). We should spread happiness, brotherhood, love, kindness, even when I’m playing a bad guy like [in] Darr. Even if I’m playing a Baazigar, even if John is being bad in a film. None of us are bad. We are all playing characters to make you happy. If we say things in the film, none of them are meant to hurt any sentiment or anybody. It is just entertainment.”
“We love each other, we joke with each other. We have fun with each other. Fun, entertainment should be left at that. Don’t take it more seriously. We all are one. All of us are loving each other and trying to make that love spread just to tell you in a very simple manner… this is Deepika Padukone, yeh Amar hain. Main Shah Rukh Khan hoon, main Akbar hoon. Yeh John hain, yeh Anthony hain. And this is what makes cinema,” he also said.