Shame on you! H1Bs Rushing For C-sections in U.S.

Shame on you! H1Bs Rushing For C-sections in U.S.

Shame on you! H1Bs Rushing For C-sections in U.S.

Trump’s move to end birthright citizenship has created a storm, not only among illegal immigrants in the U.S. but also within the Indian community.

Indians working on H-1Bs, students, or tourists now face a new challenge: if they deliver babies in the U.S., those children will no longer receive U.S. citizenship or U.S. passports as they did previously. The deadline for this policy is February 19.

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Recently, a story published by an agency went viral with a demeaning headline targeting Indians, claiming that “Indians are queuing up for preterm deliveries.”

It also alleged an increase in C-section requests among Indian women, particularly in New Jersey, where the Indian population is significant. This narrative has spread rapidly on social media.

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However, a closer look at this claim reveals how baseless it is.

Indian parents, in general are unlikely to risk their lives or those of their babies for the sake of U.S. citizenship. Such a decision would be life-threatening for the mother, and the well-educated Indian community in the U.S.—comprising professionals on H-1Bs—understands these risks well.

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Additionally, the idea that Indian women are pushing for preterm deliveries in large numbers has no logic.

The U.S. healthcare system is highly regulated, and doctors are not reckless enough to deliver preterm babies without medical justification. Unlike some underdeveloped countries where bribery can override procedures, the U.S. has strict legal systems in place. Doctors are especially cautious due to the prevalence of lawsuits, and they would never entertain such requests unless absolutely necessary.

The story is not only baseless but also outright shameful. The publication responsible for spreading such misinformation should be deeply ashamed for unfairly targeting Indians without any evidence or reason.

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