As Emergency wrapped up 12.26 crores in its first week, Kangana Ranaut shared a heartfelt video over the impressive start of her film. Being the director and the lead, she feels really close to this project and all the backlash with its release has affected her deeply.
Initially, it became hard for her to find a release date, allegedly her own party BJP postponed the release due to Haryana elections. But with the final release she expressed great love and gratitude for all those who supported her film.
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She also raised concerns over the ban of her film in Punjab, some communities find the movie seriously offensive and there has been a lot of unrest over its release. Allegedly some Khalistani supporters in countries like Canada and UK were also protesting against the release of the film.
She called such people a threat to nations’ unity. She even claimed that the film expresses her respect for national unity.
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As the film is watched by more and more people the netizens seem strongly divided. While many are calling it a propaganda film, some praised Kangana’s directorial debut.
What’s surprising is that BJP supporters are attacking the film for showing Indira Gandhi as a hero who took brave and great decisions.
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They expected Kangana would show Indira Gandhi in a poor light and mock her, but she showed her as a brilliant and strong Prime Minister.
What’s even more shocking is that Congress supporters who initially demanded a ban on the film are now appreciating the film for showing the truth.