3 Home Remedies To Remove Them Painlessly

Ingrown toenail is one of the most intense pains felt by the body. This condition develops in a corner or edge of a toenail and penetrates the skin. according to experts from Mayo Clinic, Ingrown toenails tend to affect the big toe more intensely.

Regarding the symptoms caused by this infection, ingrown toenail can cause Pain, tenderness, inflamed skin, swelling and infection which must be treated in time. In fact, people with diabetes or any other condition that reduces blood circulation in the feet are at a higher risk of complications from ingrown toenails.

One of the most common causes of this health problem is wearing shoes, which cause the toenails to come too close to each other; cutting your nails too short; injuring a nail and those that are curved; And there are some medical conditions. Besides, Factors that may increase the risk of ingrown toenails include poor nail care habits, participating in activities such as running or skating; between the other.

To treat the infection of this health condition, people with severe swelling or diabetes should see a health specialist. Otherwise, the infection can be treated with natural methods that allow the removal of the ingrown nail.

Therefore, the Heraldo USA web portal reveals three easy ways to remove ingrown toenails, especially on the big toe:

Sal Marina

To get rid of this infection, a pinch of sea salt should be applied to the infected area to reduce the pain and remove the nail easily. Experts recommend letting this component act for 15 minutes, and then cut the nails.

Sea salt removes ingrown toenails. – photo: cooking week

honey bees

This natural ingredient has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties that make it easy to remove ingrown toenails painlessly. All one has to do is put a drop on the painful area and then proceed to cut the nail

hot water and garlic

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties which when exposed to water help soften the ingrown toenail and make it easier to remove. The first thing to do is to soak the feet with warm water and two finely chopped cloves of garlic; Dry the feet after 15 minutes and the pain will disappear immediately.

Honey And Garlic Have Antimicrobial Effects.
Honey and garlic have antimicrobial effects. – photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

How to prevent ingrown toenails?

According to Mayo ClinicIt is important to follow some specific measures to prevent nail infections:

  • Cut nails straight: The nails of the feet should not be cut in a curved manner. If you have a condition that causes poor blood circulation in your feet and you can’t bite your nails, it’s important to see a podiatrist often.
  • Wear appropriate footwear: More commonly, shoes that squeeze or put too much pressure on the toes can cause the nail to grow into the surrounding tissue.
  • Check your feet regularly: If you have diabetes, it is essential to check your feet daily for signs of ingrown toenails or other foot problems.
Swelling In The Legs And Feet Affects The Treatment Of Hypotension.  Therefore, Doctors Recommend Using Special Stockings So That The Blood Circulates And Regulates Itself.
People with diabetes are at a higher risk of getting ingrown toenails. – photo: freepick
  • Maintain moderate nail length: It is important to cut your nails so that they are the same height as the tips of your fingers, because if you cut your toenails too short, The pressure of shoes on the toes can cause the nail to grow into the tissue.
  • Wear protective shoes: Steel-toed protective shoes should be worn if daily activities put you at risk of foot injury.

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