Hours after he was attacked, Odisha Health Minister Naba Das on Sunday evening succumbed to the bullet injuries. The minister had sustained critical injuries after an assistant sub inspector of police shot at him from point blank range. The incident took place at a busy square in western Odisha town of Brajarajnagar in Jharsuguda district.
“On operating, it was found that a single bullet had entered and exited the body, injuring the heart and left lung and causing massive internal bleeding and injury. The injuries were repaired, and steps were taken to improve the pumping of the heart. He was given urgent ICU care. But despite best of efforts, he could not be revived and succumbed to his injuries,” a statement from Apollo Hospital read.
Chief Minister Naveen Pattnaik had condemned the incident. He also visited the hospital where the minister was admitted soon after the attack and met his son. Following the update on his death, Patnaik “expressed deep shock and distress”, his office said. “He was an asset for both the Govt and the party. His death is a great loss to the State of Odisha:
Das, 60, who was said to be the second richest minster after the Chief Minister, was targeted when he was getting out of his car at Gandhi chhak, people familiar with the matter said, to attend a programme. Gopal Das – assistant sub-inspector of police – then fired at him from point blank range. Sub-divisional police officer Gupteswar Bhoi said bullets hit his chest on the left side. One more cop was injured in the attack. Das was airlifted to Bhubaneshwar for treatment.
“We are interrogating the ASI to know why he fired at the minister,” the SDPO said.