Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Sunday tweeted a purported screenshot of a Republic Day poll run by the government website and pointed out the spelling mistakes in the names of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Speaking for the south Indians, the Thiruvananthapuram MP tweeted, “All of us Dakshin Bharatvasis would be grateful if the Hindi Rashtravadis running could kindly take the trouble to learn the names of our states. Please!?”
The spellings were however corrected on the site when we checked.
MyGov is a citizen engagement platform which was launched in 2014 to promote the participation of citizens in the country’s governance. A poll is being run on the platform where the users are asked to choose their favourite tableau of Republic Day 2023. In the list, the names were misspelt according to the screenshot shared by Tharoor.
Shashi Tharoor’s tweet got a lot of traction within minutes pertaining to South versus North divide as many pointed out that the spelling of Dadra was also wrong in the screenshot he shared but he only spoke for South Indians. One user pointed out that the mistakes were fixed.