Rakhi Sawant‘s mom Jaya Bheda died on Saturday at a hospital in Mumbai, where she had been undergoing treatment. Rakhi Sawant’s mother died due to endometrial cancer, as per a report in PTI. The actress has shared an emotional post on her Instagram and wrote, “Aaj meri maa ka haat sar se uth gaya or mere pass khone ke liye kuch nahi bacha. I love you MAA. Aap ke bina kuch nahi raha, ab kaun meri pukar sunega or kaun mujhe gale lagayega maa. Ab mai kya karu… kaha jauuuu… I miss you Aai (Today my mother’s hand was lifted from my head. And I have nothing left to lose. I love you, mother. Nothing is left without you, now who will listen to me and who will hug me. What should I do now, where should I go. I miss you, mother).” In the video, Rakhi is sitting on the floor inside a hospital room with her mother crying inconsolably.
Soon after Rakhi Sawant shared the video, her industry friends offered condolence to her and her family in the comment section. Jackie Shroff wrote, “I feel your pain having lost my mom dad brother their soul will always be with us.” Pavitra Punia wrote, “Stay Stying Rakhi. Please take care. Bhagwan aunty ki aatma ko shanti de (May she rest in peace). Om Shanti.” Rashami Desai wrote, “Om Shanti.” Ridhima Pandit wrote, “Stay strong Rakhi sending prayers and love… May her soul rest in peace.” Ankit Tiwari wrote, “Very sad rakhi, please stay strong. OM SHANTI.” Nisha Rawal wrote, “My dear Rakhi my heart reaches out to you! I have seen Aunty always dressed up beautifully with a smile, seeing her this way broke my heart! Shall be praying for her peaceful journey! May God give you strength.” Sanjay Dutt’s wife Maanayata Dutt wrote, “May God give you the strength and courage to bear this great loss of family. Om shanti! May her soul rest in peace .”
The funeral with take place today (Sunday). Rakhi Sawant shared a screenshot of a Whatsapp message which read, “With deep sorrow, I Rakhi Sawant inform you (of) the sudden death of my beloved mother. Many of you know that she was suffering from some medical conditions, well I am sad to say that she is gone. Tomorrow join us for the funeral service of my mother at 12 noon. Address: Municipal Christian Cemetery, Oshiwara, Andheri, West.”
Rakhi Sawant’s mother, 73, died around 9 pm, Deepak Namjoshi, a pulmonologist and director of CritiCare Asia Multispecialty Hospital & Research Center, told PTI. “Rakhi Sawant’s mother had stage four endometrial cancer which had spread to the brain, lungs and liver. She was admitted around a fortnight ago. She was earlier treated at another hospital and later referred here,” PTI quoted the doctor saying.
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