Producer Ekta Kapoor celebrated her son Ravie Kapoor’s fourth birthday with a party in Mumbai on Saturday. The children of several celebrities were seen attending the party. Actor couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s sons Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan were seen at the bash. (Also Read | Ekta Kapoor digs out old video from brother Tusshar Kapoor’s birthday)
For the event, Taimur Ali Khan wore a grey T-shirt, denims, and yellow shoes while Jehangir opted for a striped blue-white T-shirt, pants and shoes. Jehangir, also called Jeh, was seen asking for a few balloons after getting inside the car as his nanny carried him in her arms.
Filmmaker Karan Johar’s children–Yash Johar and Roohi Johar were also seen at Ravie’s birthday party. While Roohi wore a colourful frilled frock and shoes, Yash opted for a blue sweatshirt, brown pants and sneakers. Actor Shilpa Shetty was seen exiting the party with her daughter Samiksha, who cried in he mother’s arms. Shilpa was dressed in a long green dress and carried a silver bag.
Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan posed for pictures with her son Ahil, dressed in an olive-green outfit, and daughter Ayat, seen in a black dress. Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza posed with their children Riaan and Rahyl. The kids posed for the camera with folded hands. While Rohit Reddy arrived with his son Aaravv Reddy, Sakshi Tanwar was seen with her daughter Dityaa.
Ekta Kapoor arrived with Ravie at the venue. While she wore a printed black outfit, Ravie opted for a white shirt, grey suit and black trousers. Ekta’s brother-actor Tusshar Kapoor wore a white long-sleeved T-shirt and blue denims. Jeetendra arrived at the event in a peach shirt, black sweater and matching pants.
On Friday, Ekta posted a goofy video with Ravie on her Instagram. She wrote, “Snap chatting thru life with my main man !!! Partners for life happie bday ravioli I love uuuuuuuuu mr kapoor.” Ekat welcomed her son Ravie Kapoor on January 27, 2019, via surrogacy.
Ekta is the daughter of Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor. She is known for producing several hit films such as The Dirty Picture, Ragini MMS, Veere Di Wedding and Dream Girl. She has made popular TV shows such as Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bhau Thi, Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki, Kasautii Zindagii Kay, Kahiin To Hoga, Kasamh Se, Pavitra Rishta, Bade Acche Lagte Hain, and Naagin.
Ekta is set to produce a film, The Crew, with Rhea Kapoor. Directed by Rajesh Krishnan, the film will star Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon.