Fire-Boltt on Friday introduced three new smartwatches exclusively for the offline market – Saturn, Talk 3, and Ninja-Fit, priced at Rs 3999, Rs 2199, and Rs 1299, respectively. These watches follow the recently announced Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra. All three watches cover the basics, featuring smart notifications, weather updates, camera control and music control. They also come with an upgraded Health Suite comprising a SpO2 monitor, heart rate tracker, and sleep monitor.
The Fire-Boltt Saturn is the most premium of the three and sports a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with a 368*448 resolution housed in a square dial. It also supports calling features, made possible with the built-in mic and speaker. The wearable registers more than 110 sports modes, has built-in games and calculator, and is IP67 water-resistant. Colour options are Black, Blue, Pink, Grey, Silver, and Gold Black.
Next in line is the Fire-Boltt Talk 3, which gives the AMOLED display a miss for a cheaper Rs 2,199 price tag. It instead comes with a 1.28-inch panel with a 240*240 resolution. This watch also features an IP67 water-resistant rating and has a “metal texture” with a round dial. As its name implies, the Talk 3 comes with Bluetooth calling support.
Finally, the Fire-Boltt Ninja-Fit skips out on calling features to go for a larger 1.69-inch display instead. It also is IP68 water-resistant, meaning it’s slightly better protected against the elements than the other two offerings. Multiple watch face selections work in the way of customisation.
While the Fire-Boltt Saturn and Fire-Boltt Talk 3 are already available across offline stores, the Fire-Boltt Ninja-Fit will go on sale from January 29. The company says that these watches can be purchased in “750+ cities through modern trade outlets, all national and regional large format retail stores including Croma, Reliance and Vijay Sales, and all large regional retailers including Poorvika, Sangeetha, etc.”