Actress Neena Gupta has posted a picture from daughter Masaba’s wedding to actor Satyadeep. “Aaj beti ki shaadi huee dil mein ajeeb see shanti khushi abhaar aur pyaar umda hai (my daughter got married today. My heart is filled with peace, gratitude and love). Sharing with you friends,” she wrote. Both bride and mother are dressed in outfits from Masaba’s design label. House of Masaba. Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra, who met on the sets of her show Masaba Masaba, had a court wedding this morning.
See Neena Gupta’s post here:
In a second post, Neena Gupta broke down the family members who were at the wedding: Beti, naya beta, bete ki ma, bete ki behen, beti ka pita, main aur mera pati (daughter, new son, son’s mother, son’s sister, daughter’s father and my husband),” she captioned a group photo. These are – Satyadeep’s mother and sister Nalini and Chinmaya Misra, cricketer Viv Richards and Vivek Mehra, whom Neena Gupta married in 2008.
Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra announced they were married with in a post on social media. The post has two photos of the newlyweds, both in pink – Satyadeep’s outfit is also from House of Masaba. “Married my ocean of calm, this morning. Here’s to many many lifetimes of love, peace, stability and most importantly laughter. And thanks for letting me pick the caption – this is gonna be great,” reads the caption.
Masaba told Vogue that the couple had a court wedding. “The idea was to keep it very small and in the presence of our immediate family. We wanted it to be very intimate because we felt that that was the right thing to do and we will not be celebrating in a big way going forward. However, there will be a party with close friends and family about 80-85 people who’ve had a meaningful relationship with Satyadeep and me,” she said.
Masaba is the daughter of Neena Gupta, who appears with her in Masaba Masaba, and cricketer Vivian Richards. Masaba and Satyadeep have been appearing on each other’s Instagram since 2020 and have been on trips to Goa and Maldives together. In 2021, Neena Gupta shared a picture on her Instagram Stories showing a work from home scene from her home in the hills of Uttarakhand – in the picture are Masaba, Satyadeep and Neena Gupta’s husband Vivek Mehra.
In addition o her show, Masaba Gupta has also appeared in the anthology series Modern Love: Mumbai. Satyadeep Misra is an acclaimed actor known for his work in films like Bombay Velvet, No One Killed Jessica and the Hindi version of Vikram Vedha. He was last seen in the web-series Tanaav.
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