Satellite images show damage at two secretive Iranian military bases

Satellite images show damage at two secretive Iranian military bases

Satellite images show damage at two secretive Iranian military bases

DUBAI: An Israeli attack on Iran damaged facilities at a secretive military base southeast of Tehran that experts in the past have linked to Iran’s onetime nuclear weapons programme and at another base tied to its ballistic missile programme, satellite photos analysed on Sunday by AP show.
Some of the buildings damaged sat in Iran’s Parchin military base, where the International Atomic Energy Agency suspects Iran in the past conducted tests of high explosives that could trigger a nuclear weapon. Iran long has insisted its nuclear programme is peaceful, though the IAEA, Western intelligence agencies and others say Tehran had an active weapons programme up until 2003. The other damage could be seen at the nearby Khojir military base, which analysts believe hides an underground tunnel system and missile production sites.
Iran’s military has not acknowledged damage at either Khojir or Parchin. Iran’s mission to the UN did not immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did the Israeli military. There have been no images of damage so far released by Iran’s military.

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