Watch | Data Point | World Cup 2022 score: Qatar and FIFA 1, human rights 0


Watch | The numbers behind the controversies surrounding Qatar 2022

For months, the host of this year’s FIFA World Cup, Qatar, and the organisers, have been embroiled in controversy.

Fans and footballers have criticised Qatar’s dismal human rights record, pointing out its treatment of migrant workers, women and LGBT people, in particular. Qatar and FIFA, however, say this criticism is hypocritical.

In this episode, The Hindu breaks down the numbers behind these controversies. 

Find out more in our Data Point story:  Data | Qatar, third-worst World Cup host in terms of human rights

Script, presentation, production: Sonikka Loganathan

Ideation and data support: Sonikka Loganathan and Vignesh Radhakrishan

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