Whereas, Vijay’s ‘Varisu’ is set to enter the profit zone in some of the locations as the film was made on a higher budget than Ajith’s film and was sold for a higher price than the action drama in many locations. This slowed down Vijay’s ‘Varisu’ from entering into the profit zone even though the film has earned over Rs 260 crores worldwide to date. Both films have turned out to be blockbuster hits, while ‘Thunivu’ is set to become Ajith’s highest-grossing film as it inches to break ‘Valimai’ collections.
Directed by H Vinoth, ‘Thunivu’ set on a bank robbery is packed with action sequences, while Ajith delivered a stylish and powerful role to impress the audience. Manju Warrier, John Kokken, Mohana Sundaram, Samuthirakani, Vishwanath, and Darshan among others have played important roles, while Ghibran’s music has elevated the film well.