These easily available foods are ‘great to detoxify the liver’

The liver is the largest internal, and one of the most important, organs in the human body that helps it eliminate harmful toxins. According to Healthline, it aids the body’s metabolic processes, which include breaking down food like fats and proteins, extracting energy, vitamins, and minerals, along with making the toxins less harmful to the body and also removing them from the bloodstream. As such, it is extremely important to ensure the liver is healthy at all times.

Highlighting the same, Anjali Mukerjee, a nutritionist, took to Instagram to list the top four foods that are easy and great to detoxify the liver– beetroot, carrot, garlic, and lemon. “4 easily available foods and their recipes that will help stimulate and flush out the liver,” she captioned the post.

Anjali suggested juicing the carrots, beetroots, and tomatoes. “Take 2 tomatoes, 2 carrots, and one beetroot. Roughly chop them after washing and peeling them and run them through the juicer without adding water,” she said.

Adding Sonia Bakshi, nutritionist and founder DtF, said “beetroot juice contains antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, folate, and iron, which help protect the liver from inflammation and aids its ability to remove toxins from the body.”


Anjali further shared that this juice helps prevent constipation, purifies the blood, and makes one feel great. Further, carrots and beetroot have anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent inflammation in the liver. “They also help to create healthy bile. So, they are great for liver cleansing,” she continued.

Sonia suggested starting the day with a glass of carrot juice, or munching on carrot sticks at snack time to get maximum benefits. “Carrots are a good source of carotenoid, which acts as an antioxidant and helps in detoxifying the system,” she told

Explaining the benefits of garlic for the liver, Anjali shared that since garlic is rich in sulphur, it acts as a great detoxifying agent. “You must have seen people going to sulphur springs to treat their boils or any skin conditions,” she added. To this, Sonia added that the selenium present in garlic can also help cleanse the liver. It triggers liver enzymes and naturally flushes out the toxins from the body.

Additionally, you can consume lemon with warm water to enhance liver cleansing. Also, it must ne noted that all sour and bitter foods help detoxify the liver. “Lemon water taken in the morning helps cleanse the liver as lemon juice stimulates the liver and helps flush out all its toxins,” added Sonia.

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