DMK MP Dayanidhi Maran on Saturday shot a video from his flight as he travelled to Coimbatore. But the aim of the video was to ridicule Kartanaka BJP MP Tejasvi Surya who was in the news for ‘opening’ the emergency exit of an IndiGo flight on January 10, following which the flight got delayed. In his video, Dayanidhi Maran said he has been given a seat near the emergency exit but he won’t open the emergency exit as that is a threat and he will also have to give a written apology. Read | Tejasvi didn’t open IndiGo emergency gate; a passenger blessed him: Annamalai
“I am travelling on an IndiGo flight to Coimbatore. I am sitting near the emergency exit. But I am not going to pull it because it’s not good for the flight, not for the passengers; saves a lot of time and I don’t have to write an apology letter,” Dayanidhi said in English and Tamil.
Tejasvi Surya’s incident led to a political row as the Congress attacked the BJP questioning over the incident which IndiGo reported a week after it took place. Civil aviation minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said it happened by mistake and the passenger (Tesjasvi) apologised.
Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai, who was Tejasvi’s co-passenger on the IndiGo flight, however, offered a detailed account of what exactly happened and said Tejasvi did not open the emergency exit and the gate was not opened but was out of its place which Tejasvi noticed and informed the crew. After the engineers were informed, they came and fixed the gate but all passengers were asked to get down to ensure all checks. Tejasvi filed an incident report and as a responsible MP, he apologised to the passengers for the delay, Annamalai claimed.