5 Overwatch 2 abilities that can cancel hero Ultimates

Overwatch 2, as a fast-paced 5v5 hero shooter, offers many matchup-combo scenarios. This is thanks to its wide roster of unique heroes, each of whom possesses vastly different abilities and movesets. These include powerful ultimate abilities, which have the potential to wipe out enemy squads if used correctly.

However, there are ways to gain the upper hand and outright prevent foes from using their Ultimates. The most common way to cancel Ultimates is by stunning the enemy. While not all heroes are equipped with the tools to do so, here are some that players should know about.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer

Hack (Sombra) and other abilities in Overwatch 2 that can cancel an opponent hero’s Ultimate

1) Sleep Dart (Ana)

they know my ana sleeps are a problem in Overwatch 2 💤 https://t.co/rtCkxzwjPw

Ana, the Support class sniper, has access to one of the best abilities in Overwatch 2. Using her Sleep Dart, she can put enemies to sleep for a few seconds. This is often useful for turning the tide of battle or making a swift escape. However, it can be used on many foes that have begun to use an Ultimate or have it active.

Sigma’s Gravitic Flux sees him hover in the air to target an area and grab unlucky allies within to lift them up and slam them down, dealing massive damage. This move can be canceled by simply darting the Tank character and saving your team.

2) Chain Hook (Roadhog)

Roadhog continues to be a menace in Overwatch 2 thanks to being an all-around powerful and reliable hero. Being a Tank, he has a lot of health and comes equipped with a shotgun that can also fire in a medium-range spread.

His threatening Chain Hook can grab enemies from afar and bring them in for a shotgun shell to the face. Since this grab counts as a stun, any hooked foe will have their Ultimate wasted as they are pulled in to meet impending doom.

3) Hack (Sombra)

One of the more interesting characters in Overwatch 2, the DPS-class Sombra is best used as a flanker to dive into enemy backlines and disrupt them like an annoying fly around a dinner table. While her ability to speed up while invisible plays a big role in accomplishing this, her fundamental hack ability makes her incredibly frustrating to deal with.

Sombra can hack any foe to shut down their abilities temporarily. This means that heroes like Bastion won’t be able to use its handy Assault Configuration ability for a couple of seconds. Even Ultimates can be canceled, like Cassidy’s Deadeye.

4) Energy Javelin/Javelin Spin (Orisa)

Finally was able to play some Overwatch 2 today! Loving Orisa’s Javelin vs Reinhardt’s Charge. I normally main Support but might have to Tank more 👀 https://t.co/OhXP3zPZSd

Orisa is another Overwatch 2 Tank on this list. Her Javelin can be used in a couple of different ways. The Spin allows her to push forward while negating incoming damage, while the throw can damage foes, especially when they are near walls.

Both can interrupt foes and mess up their abilities and Ultimates. This makes Orisa a fairly versatile beast on the field.

5) Deflect (Genji)

After more than a month and half of no OW, I can still deflect Zarya gravs :’) Genji feels amazing in OW2, so much fun! https://t.co/8Qcx6ngXqn

Genji has been a series mainstay since the first Overwatch. The cyborg ninja is a DPS character and is lethal in the right hands. He has a very aggressive playstyle, and even his more non-offensive movesets embody that. For example, when Deflect is active, the user can deflect any incoming projectiles.

While other heroes on this list will negate or disrupt Ultimates, Genji’s Deflect, well, deflects them back. This is possible since a few Ultimates are projectile-based (such as Zarya’s Graviton Surge). This means Soldier 76’s Tactical Visor or even Mei’s Blizzard can be turned on the enemy. Of course, physical and area-of-effect (i.e., explosive) Ultimates like Junkrat’s Rip-Tire cannot be deflected.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XSX|S, and Nintendo Switch.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh

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