The regulator also suspended the pilot-in-command’s licence for three months and slapped a fine of 3 lakh on the airline’s director in-flight services. It’s the first such instance in India of an airline being fined for violating norms when dealing with a “disorderly” passenger.
“The incident of passenger misbehavior which occurred on Air India flight on November 26, 2022 from New York to New Delhi, came to the notice of DGCA on January 4 where a male passenger conducted himself in a disorderly manner and allegedly relieved himself on a female passenger,” said a statement issued by the DGCA.
TOI published a report about the incident on January 4. After the flight landed, the male passenger walked away without the airline crew filing a report.
On January 5, the DGCA issued show-cause notices to the accountable manager of Air India, director in-flight services and all the pilots and cabin crew members of that flight as to why enforcement action should not be taken against them for dereliction of their regulatory obligations. Air India submitted a written reply recently, following which the DGCA initiated the action.
The pilot-in-command’s license was suspended for a period of three months for failing to discharge duties as per Rule 141 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and applicable DGCA Civil Aviation Requirements, said the DGCA statement. Under the said Rule 141, the pilot-in-command is tasked with the responsibility of supervising and directing other crew members for a proper discharge of their duties. “In addition to being responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft during flight time, the Pilot-in-command shall be responsible for the safety of the passengers and cargo carried and for the maintenance of flight discipline and safety of the members of the crew,” it states.
Air India in a statement said it had received a copy of the DGCA order. “We respectfully acknowledge the gaps in our reporting and are taking relevant steps to ensure that the same are addressed. We are also strengthening our crews’ awareness of and compliance with policies on the handling of incidents involving unruly passengers. Air India is committed to stand by the safety and well-being of our passengers,” said the Air India spokesperson.
Air India Urination Incident: DGCA slaps Rs 30 lakh fine on Air India; suspends pilot’s license for 3 months