Fire Emblem Engage offers players multiple ways to make some of the hardest encounters in the game significantly easier. Although collecting Emblem Rings and crafting Bond Rings are good methods to become more powerful in the game, there are alternate ways to help your units survive difficult in-game encounters.
One such effective way is to increase your Support Rank with them. While playing as Alear, you will be able to take part in various social activities with some of the other NPCs in the game.
Participating in these will increase your Support Ranks with them and allow these units to gain additional status boosts, while simultaneously unlocking more abilities as well as additional dialog options. This is one of the main reasons as to why the Support Rank system is an incredibly important core gameplay mechanic that players should invest time in.
Today’s guide will go over some of the best ways that you can use to increase your Support rank with other characters in Fire Emblem Engage.
Increasing Support Rank in Fire Emblem Engage
The Support Rank mechanic is incredibly important if you’re looking to protect your Units from the Permadeath mechanic. Here are some of the best ways to increase Support Ranks effectively in the game:
1) Fighting with your units
This is a pretty straightforward method as units that are more active on the battlefield will have a far easier time increasing their bond level with you in Fire Emblem Engage. To that end, you will notice a small heart icon that appears every time they perform an action.
Additionally, if you heal a unit during combat, that will raise your Support Rank with them as well. As a result, it’s highly recommended that you always have units in your party that are capable of healing.
2) Making the most of the gifting system
Like most JRPGs with a social system in place, Fire Emblem Engage features a gifting mechanic where you can gift certain items to other characters in the game in order to increase your Support Rank with them.
Alear will be able to acquire these gift items while making their way around the world and completing the narrative.
3) Returning lost items
Just like with giving gifts, you can find Lost Items out in the world and return them to their rightful owners. By doing so, you will be able to significantly increase your Supports Ranks with those particular units.
4) Treating them to Cafe Terrace
Another great way to improve your Support Rank with other characters will be to treat them to a meal at Cafe Terrace. You will be able to gather ingredients and order meals to share with two other characters to increase your bond with them.
By taking part in support conversations and increasing your rank with them, you can enhance the stats of those characters in combat. Hence, this is one of the biggest reasons why you will need to spend as much time as possible to increase your Social Ranks in Fire Emblem Engage.