Just a few hours before the launch of her dance academy, Rakhi Sawant has been arrested by the Amboli Police. She has been arrested in connection with an FIR filed against her by Sherlyn Chopra in 2022. In a tweet, Sherlyn wrote, ‘BREAKING NEWS!!! AMBOLI POLICE HAS ARRESTED RAKHI SAWANT IN RESPECT WITH FIR 883/2022 YESTERDAY, RAKHI SAWANT’S ABA 1870/2022 WAS REJECTED BY MUMBAI SESSIONS COURT’. According to police, an FIR was registered against Rakhi Sawant under various sections IPC & IT Act after Sherlyn’s complaint that alleges that she showed an objectionable video of Sherlyn during a press conference and used objectionable language. For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.
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