Harnaaz Sandhu crowned her successor R’Bonney Gabriel from the USA as the Miss Universe 2022 winner. Harnaaz created history in December 2021 by becoming the third person to win the coveted crown for India. Before the 22-year-old, Sushmita Sena and Lara Dutta had secured the title for the country. Harnaaz’s impressive reign ended today, and it was an emotional journey as she took her last walk on the Miss Universe stage. The star became teary-eyed and gave an emotional speech addressing the viewers and the new Miss Universe. Harnaaz also had an ‘Oops’ moment as she tripped on the stage. However, she recovered quickly, like a true queen. Keep scrolling to watch the video. (Also Read | Harnaaz Sandhu’s pics in gold gown shared with only a few days left for Miss Universe’s reign makes fans say ‘Forever Queen’)
Harnaaz Sandhu trips on the Miss Universe stage
On Sunday (IST), Harnaaz Sandhu took her final walk as the outgoing Miss Universe before crowning USA’s R’bonney Gabriel as her successor. Dressed in black, Harnaaz Sandhu held back tears as she blew kisses in the air and even tripped on stage before recovering quickly. During the emotional moment, her voiceover played, “I was 17-years-old when I first took the the stage and since then becoming Miss Universe was my goal. I’ve been given the megaphone on a worldwide stage to present the topic of menstrual equity before world leaders asking them to keep this conversation ongoing.” Watch the video below.
The video shows an emotional Harnaaz greeting the crowd present during the Miss Universe ceremony. At about 00:34, she trips on her gown and recovers quickly – showcasing her elegance and confidence on stage.
Another eye-capturing moment on stage was Harnaaz’s black gown for the ceremony. She paid tribute to her predecessors – Sushmita Sen and Lara Dutta. The low-cut embellished ensemble featured pictures of their winning moment from the pageant.
Meanwhile, the gown also garnered praise from Harnaaz’s fans. One internet user wrote, “It’s like three INDIAN MISS UNIVERSE were having their last walk. Nice and creative gown.” another commented, “That dress is what a Miss Universe should wear…Harnaaz you set the standard so high for all the Indian women who will follow your path.”
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