Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday after inaugurating the 26th National Youth Festival said that Yuva Shakti is the driving force of India’s journey and he emphasised that next 25 years are important for building the nation. The Prime Minister was addressing over 30,000 youth, who have reportedly, attended the inaugural function where he shared his vision with them.
“Yuva Shakti is the driving force of India’s journey. The next 25 yrs are important for building the nation. Yuva Shakti’s dreams decide India’s direction. Yuva Shakti’s aspirations decide India’s destination. Yuva Shakti’s passion decides India’s power,” PM Modi said, as quoted by news agency ANI.
“To harness Yuva Shakti, we need to be young with our thoughts. To be young is to be dynamic in our efforts. To be young is to be panoramic in our perspective. To be young is to be pragmatic. If the world looks to us for solutions, it’s because of dedication of our Amrit generation,” he added.
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While giving several examples of how the country has been providing opportunities to the youth, he said, “Optimism and opportunity are important factors to make your career better in future.”
While asserting that our aim is to take the country to the top 3 economies of the world, PM Modi said that the nation will be a leading global power in agriculture. A new revolution is going to come in the agriculture sector, with technology and innovation. This will create new opportunities for the youth, pave a new way to scale new heights.
Today we’re the world’s fifth-largest economy. Our aim is to take it to the top 3 economies of the world. This economic growth of the country will bring immense opportunities for our youth: PM Narendra Modi at National Youth Festival 2023 in Hubbali, Karnataka
— ANI (@ANI) January 12, 2023