Andhra Pradesh minister Rajni Vidadala on Wednesday slammed singer Adnan Sami after the singer accused Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy of displaying a ‘separatist attitude’. As Jagan congratulated the RRR team for their Golden Globe win, he mentioned ‘Telugu flag’ which drew criticism from Adnan Sami. Health minister Rajini Vidadala waded into the row as she slammed the singer for confusing identity pride and separatism. “Rather than overthinking on Twitter, maybe you should work towards getting India another Golden Globe,” the minister wrote.
“Whilst exhibiting pride of Origin, it is not beneath the dignity of a senior statesman such as a Chief Minister to share the pride of this achievement with his Nation INDIA which this State comes under & in the name of which this Telugu film is being recognised abroad!” Adnan Sami replied.
Telugu movie RRR, directed by SS Rajamouli, became the first Asian film to win the Best Original Song award for Naatu Naatu. The feat was celebrated across the country with congratulatory messages pouring in for RRR.“The #Telugu flag is flying high! On behalf of all of #AndhraPradesh, I congratulate @mmkeeravaani, @ssrajamouli, @tarak9999, @AlwaysRamCharan and the entire team of @RRRMovie. We are incredibly proud of you! #GoldenGlobes2023,” Andhra chief minister Jagan tweeted.
“Telugu flag? You mean INDIAN flag right? We are Indians first & so kindly stop separating yourself from the rest of the country…Especially internationally, we are one country! This ‘separatist’ attitude is highly unhealthy as we saw in 1947!!! Thank you…Jai HIND!” Adnan Sami reacted triggering the controversy.
A spokesperson of the YSRC, S Rajiv Krishna, said Jagan’s tweet was in happiness as many people associated with the RRR movie are Telugu. “Does not preclude our love for India above all else– you don’t need to teach us patriotism,” Rajiv Krishna tweeted.
Adnan Sami, however, went on to comment on the issue that he raised as he cited the example of Satyajit Ray. “When Satyajit Ray ji won an Honorary Oscar in 1991, was only Bengal proud of that achievement or did the entire India have a right to be proud? Did the CM of Bengal at that time, Sri Jyoti Basu ji declare it as only a Bengali achievement? No! It was a national moment of pride!” Adnan Sami tweeted.
Many social media users questioned Adnan Sami’s nationality and that he as an ex-Pakistani does not have the right to teach patriotism to a chief minister. “Those who are born into anything, they get it in their ‘lap’. They made no effort to get it…Those who convert to something, they first study it; educate themselves about it; believe in it, struggle for it & then achieve it- Then they VALUE IT & Never take it for granted!!” he replied.