Kanhaiya Kumar, the Congress Lok Sabha candidate from North East Delhi constituency, was allegedly attacked with ink in the constituency, PTI reported.In a video shared on PTI’s X handle, Kumar was seen being attacked by unidentified men during the campaign outside the Aam Aadmi Party office in New Usmanpur area.The incident occurred when Kumar was coming out of the office after a meeting with local councillor Chhaya Sharma.
“Some persons came and put garland around Sh. Kanhaiya Kumar. After garlanding him, some persons threw ink on Sh. Kanhaiya Kumar and tried to assault him. When Smt. Chhaya Sharma tried to intervene, they misbehaved and threatened her,” Sharma’s complaint read.ALSO READ: Manoj Tiwari’s ‘40-day tour’, ‘tukde-tukde gang’ dig at rival Kanhaiya KumarIn a statement, Kanhaiya Kumar alleged that the attack on him was ordered by sitting Bharatiya Janata Party MP Manoj Tiwari.The 37-year-old Congress leader said that Tiwari is ‘frustrated’ with his rising popularity and that is why he sent “goons” to attack him.
Kumar said the public will give its answer to the violence with the vote on May 25. Polling in the national capital will take place on May 25 in the sixth phase of the election.North East Delhi is among the seven Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi, having a sizeable Purvanchali and Muslim population. It will witness a direct contest between two-time MP Manoj Tiwari and Kanhaiya Kumar.In 2019 elections, Tiwari defeated three-time Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit by a record margin of 3,66,102 votes.ALSO READ: Kanhaiya Kumar meets Sunita Kejriwal: ‘United in fight against dictatorship’
The constituency comprises 10 assembly segments — Burari, Timarpur, Seemapuri, Rohtas Nagar, Seelampur, Ghonda, Babarpur, Gokalpur, Mustafabad and Karawal Nagar.Recently, Kanhaiya Kumar had said he is planning to resolve the traffic issue in the North East Delhi constituency.“The people of Northeast Delhi are stuck in traffic jams for 10 years. I want to end this problem. Give me a chance and I will convert the double-lane road into a four-lane one,” he said.
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