With an eye on the 2023 ODI World Cup in India, the BCCI has shortlisted a pool of 20 players, sources told NDTV. Also, top players could be asked to skip the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL), with the BCCI wanting players to focus on ICC events, and to avoid injury problems. The decision was taken during BCCI’s performance review meeting, which took place at a seven star hotel in Mumbai. In attendance were coach Rahul Dravid, Captain Rohit Sharma, NCA chairman VVS Laxman, ex Chief selector Chetan Sharma. Board President Roger Binny joined through video conferencing.
Team India will play 35 ODIs in 2023, starting with an upcoming three-match series against Sri Lanka on home soil.
With focus on the workload management of the players, the NCA will work in tandem with the 10 IPL franchises, in order to keep a track of the fitness of the players.
The meeting was held to review Team India’s performance in 2022, which saw failing to win both, the Asia Cup, as well as the T20 World Cup.
Earlier, through an official notification, the BCCI announced the key takeaways from the meeting.
“The roadmap for the upcoming ODI World Cup in India was discussed at the meeting, along with issues related to player availability and workload management,” the BCCI had said in an official statement.
The BCCI also had three key recommendations for the Indian cricket team, as far as the selection criteria is concerned.
Here are the key recommendations:
1. The emerging players will have to play a substantial domestic season to be eligible for selection to the national team.
2. The Yo-Yo Test and Dexa will now be part of selection criteria and implemented in the customized roadmaps of the central pool of players.
3. Keeping in mind the Men’s FTP and preparations for ICC CWC 2023, the NCA will work in tandem with the IPL Franchisee to monitor the targeted Indian players participating in the IPL 2023.
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