Shehnaaz Gill and singer Guru Randhawa have collaborated on the song ‘Moon Rise’, and recently, they had a photo shoot for it which turned into a hilarious moment. In the funny BTS video, Guru can be seen blushing as he tries to cover Shehnaaz’s legs in a high-slit red gown, but the actress cutely stopped him from covering her legs and tells him to look at her with love as they pose for the lens in front of a beach. Sharing the video, Guru wrote, ‘You are only allowed to look at @shehnaazgill during the shoot. Moon is rising on 10th January 2023.’ Soon fans rushed to the comment section and penned their reactions. While one said, ‘Shehnaaz ki cuteness kbhi kaam nahi ho skti’ another wrote, ‘Guru Kitna sharma raha hai.’ For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.
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