Balakrishna’s next film Veera Simha Reddy is all set for a grand Sankranti release. The movie is registering excellent pre-sales in the US, which signifies the film’s hype. Gopichand Malineni is directing the project after a hit like Krack.

Just a while ago, he shared a tweet that has raised fans’ expectations. Gopichand Malineni wrote that he has just now watched the first half BGM and said that Thaman has absolutely rocked it. We all saw the box office destruction of Akhanda, in which Thaman’s background score played a key role.

It looks like Thaman is again going to amaze the audience with his electrifying beats. Mythri Movie Makers are bankrolling the movie, which has Shruthi Haasan as the leading lady. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Duniya Vijay play key roles. The film will release on 12th January 2023.

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