Actor Tripti Dimri took to her Instagram handle and reposted a loved up photo with film producer Karnesh Ssharma who is also actor Anushka Sharma’s brother. The photo was originally shared by Saurabh Malhotra who is an associate producer at Karnesh’s production house, Clean Slate Filmz. Tripti and Karnesh are rumoured to be dating since quite some time. (Also read: Tripti Dimri reveals if she is dating someone)
In the photo, Tripti and Karnesh are seen sharing a tight hug. Both of them have their eyes closed with arms around each other, clicked at an unknown location. Sharing the photo, Saurabh wrote, “My hearts (emoji).”
Reposting the photo, Tripti added some loved-up emojis. Tripti had earlier acted in Netflix’s Bulbbul (2020), which was backed by Karnesh under his banner. From time to time, they have made news with their dating speculations. Tripti and Karnesh have never spoken about their relationship rumours in public.
Talking about her private life, recently Tripti was asked whether she is currently dating anyone. After much thought, she told ETimes, “The ship has already sailed is what I can say right now.” She also talked about her marriage plans during the same interview. “Not now, I will take some more 7-8 years to get married,” she had also said.
Tripti recently starred in Qala, which was also produced under Clean Slate Filmz, and even received praises from Anushka. She wrote, “A daughter’s heartbreaking yearning for her mother’s love. Qala is a work of art. It’s heartbreaking and exhilarating equally. Exhilarating because of the genius of each department that comes through in telling this detailed story and heartbreaking for portraying emotional abuse by an emotionally unstable parent in a way that had never been done before by a film. @Qala streaming now on @netflix_in.”
“UFF!! Your storytelling is so true and original, and you telling it like a poet, like a painting! You have detailed this film so excellently! @tripti_dimri WOW! You are one of the most talented actors of this generation! Your maturity as an actor and innocence as an artist is so rare. @kans26 BRAVO! For always backing the best content truthfully and raising the bar each time,” Anushka had added.
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