Sister of actor Sheezan Khan, who been arrested in Tunisha Sharma‘s death case, Falaq Naaz recently said that they will soon answer the allegations which has been made against her brother. Tunisha was found dead on December 24 on the sets of her TV show Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul. Sheezan was Tunisha’s co-star and her ex-boyfriend, who is facing charges of abetment of suicide in the case. Also read: Tunisha Sharma and Sheezan Khan had a heated argument before her death: Waliv Police
Earlier, Tunisha Sharma’s mother, Vanita Sharma publicly accused Sheezan Khan of her daughter’s death. In response to the allegations, Sheezan’s sister Falaq was quoted by news agency ANI, “I will answer the allegations made by Tunisha’s mother in the press conference soon. Right now, our priority is our brother who is under the police’s custody.”
Tunisha died reportedly 15 days after her breakup with accused Sheezan. The late actor’s mother claimed that Sheezan was cheating on Tunisha.
Vanita Sharma, Tunisha’s mother told ANI that Sheezan “used to consume drugs”. However, she failed to confirm how long he was into drugs. Tunisha’s uncle had earlier said that her behaviour and lifestyle had changed after meeting Sheezan. He also claimed that she even started wearing a ‘hijab’ (a headscarf worn by Muslim women).
Tunisha’s mother had earlier accused Sheezan of having relationships with multiple girls. The police had said they would question Sheezan on the claims of Tunisha’s mother. On Friday, police said a heated argument took place between Tunisha and Sheezan, shortly before her death. CCTV footage from the time of the argument has also been recovered, they said.
Meanwhile, Sheezan has been sent to custody till Saturday, after his earlier remand ended. He was taken to Vasai Court. Tunisha Sharma’s family has requested police to investigate whether she could have been murdered.
While the statements of Tunisha’s mother has been recorded in the matter, more people are likely to be called for the probe. This includes Sheezan’s family as well. Police have also called in the production manager of the serial Ali Baba Daastan-E-Kabul where Tunisha was found dead. Besides this, the DVR and CCTV recordings of the set are also being investigated.
(With inputs from ANI)