
    10 common dietary antiaging supplements you should to know about

    Aging is a natural and inevitable process. You can’t run from the fact that living organisms like us have to deal with aging as we grow older. Some common signs of aging are turning your hair grey, wrinkles all over your body (especially on the face) and age spots appearing on your skin. However, you can definitely help reverse the signs of aging by taking antiaging supplements. 

    Taking care of your skin is the best way to be younger-looking; no wonder why the antiaging market is thriving. The antiaging products are quite broad, offering creams, face masks, serums and supplements – all in the hope of turning back the clock. 

    Aging and supplements

    Basically, aging is referred to as a biological phenomenon that happens because of various factors, including genetics, ionising radiation, chemicals, chronic sun exposure, hormones, metabolic processes and consumed toxins in your body. All of these factors work together, resulting in physiological and anatomical alterations in your skin layers and skin appearance. Sagging of skin is one example that happens because of the loss of skin elasticity when you age. Slow wound healing is also linked to aging. 

    With antiaging supplements, you can reverse the skin damage that aging causes. Some hormone supplements, such as oestrogen, progestins and vitamin D, are useful for slowing or reversing the onset of aging. Aside from supplements focused on hormones, those that have collagen can slow down the aging process and enhance the appearance of your wrinkles. 

    senolytics help reverse aging and extend longevity
    Photograph: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

    Generally, collagen supplements can support skin hydration and improve your skin elasticity. Additionally, collagen helps maintain the strength, structure and stability of your skin’s dermal layers – making your skin more youthful as it improves the mechanical properties of the skin and provides antioxidant properties. 

    To further help you choose, let’s identify the ten best antiaging supplements.

    1. Vitamin C

    You may know vitamin C as ascorbic acid that can boost your immunity. Well, you are not wrong, but its function doesn’t just stop there. It actually helps in making you look younger with its ability to enhance your skin’s texture and appearance. It triggers the production of collagen in your body, which helps in reducing fine lines. Plus, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that can neutralise free radical damage to prevent abnormal pigmentation from producing more. 

    Moreover, vitamin C is known to have a skin-brightening effect which you would like to consider if you prefer to have a lighter skin complexion. A research study suggests that high doses of vitamin C can treat skin discolouration when given intravenously. The researchers also discovered a link between consuming vitamin C, with omega-6 fatty acids and less saturated fats, and lesser wrinkles on the skin [1]. 

    2. Vitamin E

    Similar to vitamin C, vitamin E has a vital function in protecting you against diseases. It boosts your immune function, regulates your body’s inflammation and aids in your body’s collagen production. Collagen is essential for your skin as it gives structure and eliminates saggy skin. 

    Vitamin E can also help in maintaining your skin barrier when ingested, which further protects you from irritants and excess water loss. Furthermore, a study found that older adults need more vitamin E compared to younger adults. This is to maintain their health when aging. 

    To add vitamin E supplements to your regimen, you must take them in the evening because this is the time when your skin cells repair and undergo higher rates of cell turnover. Hence, take this time as an opportunity to take vitamin E. 

    3. Curcumin

    Curcumin is also one of the best antiaging supplements you would like to consider. It refers to an active substance found in a turmeric plant that can effectively keep the skin intact and protect your body from developing cancer. Curcumin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help in making your skin healthy and youthful. 

    Consequently, this turmeric substance has been found to activate particular proteins that impede cellular senescence–which refers to a process in which cells age and completely stop dividing, but they never die and stay inside your body. Significantly, curcumin helps in delaying aging and reducing the risk of age-related diseases. It is advisable to add turmeric to your diet as it also offers more health benefits [2]. 

    4. Collagen

    As briefly mentioned earlier, collagen is essential in your skin; hence, taking collagen supplements is another best way to reverse aging. It is a structural protein that completes the connective tissues, bones, cartilage, tendons and skin. Its production decreases over time when you age which is apparent when you start to notice wrinkles, saggy skin and other signs of aging. 

    Your body can produce collagen on its own; however, taking collagen supplements can aid in giving and sustaining enough collagen in your body, essentially for people who have not produced enough collagen due to their age and other medical factors. 

    Collagen has two major forms that you can find in the market, such as powder and capsule–these two can both effectively give you similar benefits of collagen, but just be mindful that each brand offers different collagen and extra formulas in their contents. 

    You may see collagen in cosmetics and skin care products, and people go crazy over this magnificent protein.
    Photograph: Bravekanyawee/Shutterstock

    5. Whey protein 

    Supplements with whey protein can help you become more youthful looking. Whey protein provides amino acids for your liver to build glutathione, a master antioxidant. Glutathione aids your liver in neutralising toxins you acquire from your environment, consumed food and cells. Plus, it also supports your mitochondria and boosts your immunity and brain function. 

    Whey protein can be a great substance to add to your antiaging regimen, especially when picking dietary supplements. In choosing which whey protein to take, remember to avoid the ones that are isolated because, usually, the heating and refinement process breaks the key nutrients of whey protein. You don’t get to reap many benefits from taking the isolated ones, especially the boosting glutathione production effect. 

    You should take whey protein supplements that are cold-pressed, undenatured and grass-fed. If you are taking the powder form, you must consume two tablespoons of whey protein per day and up to four tablespoons when you work out. 

    6. Polyphenols 

    There are antiaging supplements that go beyond skin benefits. Polyphenols are one good example of that, as they can aid in slowing down brain aging. They are antioxidants that can be found in brightly coloured foods, such as red cabbage, cacao, blueberries and coffee. Flavonoids and phenolic acids are two types of polyphenols that antiaging supplements may contain. 

    Polyphenols can primarily protect your brain from chronic stress and free radical damage; plus, they support learning by enhancing memory. Naturally, you have to eat a wide range of plants daily to get the benefits of polyphenols, but with its dietary supplements, you can have enough in a tablet or capsule form. 

    7. EGCG

    Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) refers to a polyphenol compound that is primarily rich in green tea. EGCG offers a wide range of health benefits, especially to older people’s health, like decreased cancer risk and heart issues.

    Moreover, EGCG is considered to be one of the most effective antiaging supplements in the market. It has a history and a proven track record in preventing age-related diseases. Also, EGCG enables autophagy–a process of degrading damaged cellular materials. Drinking green tea can give you EGCG, but if you don’t feel like skipping your coffee for this, you can take its dietary supplements [3].

    8. Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is one of the effective vitamins to reverse aging. It is a must-have nutrient to add to your diet if you want to be more youthful looking and fight the signs of aging. It is also known as retinol which can improve your body’s collagen production, especially in older adults. This kind of vitamin aids in boosting the function of your immune system and eyes. Essentially, eggs, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and salmon are rich sources of vitamin A. Taking vitamin A supplements is also recommended. 

    9. Fisetin 

    Here’s another great antioxidant in reversing aging. Fisetin refers to a plant chemical that has antioxidant compounds. Similar to any other antioxidants, fisetin can help in protecting your cells from free radicals–generally caused by oxidative stress from many factors, including your unhealthy diet, harmful environment and poor sleeping routine. 

    When you have too many free radicals, they can impair your cellular function, which can result in cellular damage and fasten the effects of aging. Hence, taking dietary supplements of fisetin can help in banishing free radicals and maintaining your youthful look. 

    10. Crocin 

    This one is the yellow carotenoid pigment that can be found in saffron–referring to a spice that is mainly used in Indian and Spanish cuisines. It is known that crocin provides a wide range of health benefits like it can serve as an anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anti-diabetes substance. Most importantly, crocin helps in protecting your mental health against cognitive decline that is linked to aging. 

    Studies explained that crocin could inhibit the production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS)–two compounds that can cause aging. Thus, crocin can aid in preventing age-related nerve damage when tested in animals [4]. Moreover, crocin is scientifically proven to prevent aging in human skin cells by decreasing inflammation and shielding the body against cellular damage caused by UV light [5]. 

    Proper intake of antiaging supplements is the key to minimising the signs of aging internally and externally. You must also find the perfect substance that can effectively work for you, as all our bodies respond differently.  

    [4] ​​ 

    Photograph: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

    The information included in this article is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this webpage is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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