Bihar deputy chief minister Tejashwi Yadav on Friday tossed the blame on Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled Uttar Pradesh and Haryana for supplying spurious liquor to Biiha, adding that over 100 cartons of liquor were recovered from the house of a relative of Bihar’s Leader of Opposition Vijay Sinha. “Most of the liquor supply is from UP and Haryana where BJP is in power and they’re not conducting any probe. Got to know that from the home of Leader of Opposition V Sinha’s kin, 108 cartons of liquor bottles were recovered”, Yadav was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
Read more: ‘Only hatred & lies’: Tejashwi hits back at BJP for assembly ruckus over Bihar hooch deaths
Meanwhile, Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has refused to take any responsibility for the death in Chapra due to spurious liquor consumption, and today told the state assembly that “no compensation will be given’ and underlined his ‘if you drink, you will die” warning.
The Janata Dal (United) boss was responding to a demand by Communist Party of India (CPI) MLA Satyendra Yadav for monetary compensation to bereaved family members. “No compensation will be given to people who died after drinking. Those who drink and lose their lives as a result… deserve no sympathy (koi sahanubhuti nahin) and no compensation. We have been appealing – if you drink, you will die. (Remember)… those who talk in favour of drinking will not bring any good to you…” Kumar said.
The Nitish Kumar government has prohibited the sale and use of alcohol in the state since April 2016. The restriction has continued despite vehement opposition party protests and shaky enforcement of the laws, which frequently results in terrible incidents like these.
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